Flag Day

June 14th is recognized as Flag Day in the United States of America.  Various states, including New York, set aside a day for honoring the flag beginning in the mid-1860s.  On a national level, Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation naming June 14, 1915 “Flag day.”  He called for a day of “renewal and reminder … of the ideals and principles” of the founding of the country.   Even though the proclamation urged that Flag Day be observed annually, it was not until 1949 that Congress established a national day to honor the flag, without making it a holiday.

June 14th is the anniversary of the date in 1777 on which the Continental Congress adopted a resolution establishing an official “flag of the thirteen United States shall be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the Union be thirteen stars, white on a blue field, representing a new constellation.”

The flag has been a symbol used to create both unity and discord over the years.   

Consider an article in the Hearst-owned New York American  from November 29, 1935 on the display of Soviet flags at a mass meeting in Madison Square Garden: “Twenty-five red banners were unfurled from the platform at that meeting. But not one of this country’s national emblems was on display!”  The article reported on the anger this generated among elected officials and civic leaders, leading to demands that the Soviet flag be banned and that all meetings should display the American flag.  The president of the Daughters of the American Revolution said, “I know of no other country in the world in which such a thing would be permitted.  I consider it a disgrace not to have the national emblem displayed at public meetings.”

Lester Stone, the intrepid Secretary to the Mayor alerted LaGuardia of the events and the newspaper’s interest in a comment on the allegations of “an insult to the American flag at a mass meeting of Communists and Socialists, at which 25 red banners were unfurled without one American flag being displayed.”  Unusually, Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia did not offer a comment.

Members of the Board of Aldermen showed no such restraint.  Within the week, a proposed law was introduced and by week two, on December 10th, the Board unanimously passed the legislation that would require the display of American flags at  public meetings.  The bill required that at all public assemblies of 15 or more people where political or public questions were to be discussed, whether on the public streets or at any type of public location, “the American flag, of dimensions not less than 36 inches by 48 inches, shall be conspicuously displayed at all times …”  The bill exempted private assemblies that were not open to the public and established fines of $100 and up to 10 days imprisonment.

This touched off a firestorm of letters, telegrams and postcards sent to Mayor LaGuardia.  The Mayor’s office dutifully responded to each one, acknowledging receipt.

Organizations such as the dozens of branches of the American League Against War and Fascism, the West Bronx Workers Club, the Italian Progressive Club, the Retail Drygoods Clerks, the Teachers Union of the City of New York, and the National Council of Student Christian Associations opposed the bill.  Many referenced newspaper publisher Randolph Hearst whose papers were crusading in support of the ordinance.  The telegram from the Newspaper Guild of New York explicitly stated that it “regards the proposed American flag ordinance as a vicious proposal, sponsored not because of patriotic motives but as part of a widespread effort of reactionary newspaper interests.  It is aimed at inflaming the minds of uninformed and unthinking persons against all labor, liberal and progressive ideas.”  A postcard from a loyal American shared similar sentiments: “Hearst does not own NYC.”

There were supportive statements among the hundreds of communiques to the Mayor about this proposed local law, including those from The New York Society of Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, the Irish-American Independent Political Unit, various American Legion chapters, the Daughters of the American Revolution, and many individuals.

On December 31, 1935, the Mayor vetoed the proposal.  In his veto message, he noted that he could have used a “pocket veto” --not take any action - which would have effectively killed the proposal.  But he wanted to do more because of the great interest in the measure.

This has been attempted in a measure for meetings in public squares and streets.  Surely no one will contend that the presence of the flag at such meetings, in instances held by disloyal people, have made them either loyal or patriotic. 

In addition to that, the provisions of the Ordinance might well be employed to repress or limit free speech guaranteed by the Constitution.  Free speech does not mean that, because of the right of the speaker to utter a thought, there is agreement or approval of the statement, but it does mean the right of every person to speak within the limits of existing law without interference.

Patriotism can no more be instilled into a disloyal person by the forced presence of our flag than can the love of God be put into an atheist’s heart by placing a Bible in his hand.

We must protect the flag and not permit the use of the flag except with dignity, love, and respect for it.  The American flag must not be made an instrument of repression.  It must be continued as a symbol of freedom.

“It’s a grand old flag, a high-flying flag …”

Re-discovering the Old Pennsylvania Station

“The razing of this station, McKim, Mead & White’s 1910 masterpiece of Beaux-Ars design, was one of the greatest traumas New York City ever suffered,” wrote New York Times architecture critic Herbert Muschamp, in 1993. Describing the demolition of Pennsylvania Station thirty-years earlier, he continued, “Public reaction was profound and in some ways beneficial. Historical preservation was transformed from a genteel pastime to a nationwide movement with political clout.” (“In this Dream Station Future and Past Collide,” New York Times, June 20, 1993.)  

Pennsylvania Station, aerial view, n.d. Terminals, Pennsylvania Station Vertical File, NYC Municipal Library.

Pennsylvania Railroad New York Station, Seventh Avenue Elevation. McKim, Mead & White, ca. 1906. Department of Buildings Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Today, more than fifty years later, regret over loss of Pennsylvania Station has hardly abated. And for almost as long, archivists at the Municipal Archives believed the Manhattan Building Plans collection did not include drawings of the original Pennsylvania Station. It had been assumed that plans and permit records had been disposed after the building was demolished in accordance with Department of Buildings practice at that time. Therefore, the recent discovery of several architectural drawings of the original station in the Building Plans collection is surprising, but welcome news.   

Municipal archivists have been processing the Manhattan Building Plans collection for several years. For the Record articles have described the project and provided updates on progress, most recently, in Loews Canal Street Theatre. Although relatively few in number, the recently discovered plans include several from the 1906 new building (NB) application by McKim, Mead & White as well as 1926 and 1956 alterations. One NB application plan shows an upper floor designed for Long Island Railroad (LIRR) employee recreation with a gymnasium, shuffle board, pool tables, reading room and library. The 1926 alteration plan shows details of the LIRR passage between the concourse and waiting room with brass railings, still there today. Unfortunately, the collection does not include a full set of the original NB plans, only supplemental sheets added later.

Pennsylvania Railroad New York Station, Eighth Avenue Elevation. McKim, Mead & White, ca. 1906. Department of Buildings Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Pennsylvania Station, exterior, ca. 1936, WPA Federal Writers’ Project Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives. 

The plans discovery prompted questions about what other records could be found in Municipal Archives and Library collections that document the station in the early 1960s, given the enduring interest in its demolition. 

Pennsylvania Station, interior, March 13, 1936. Photographer: Ezzes. WPA Federal Writers’ Project Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

The Municipal Library’s vertical files proved a good resource. The file, “NYC Terminals – Pennsylvania Station” contains newspaper and magazine clippings dated from 1955 to 2003. Headlines in the early 1960s tell the sad story: “Brickbats Fly as Landmarks Tumble – Tradition-Lovers fight to Preserve Some of Little Old New York.” (World Telegram, Sept. 5, 1961.) “50 Pickets in March to Save Penn Station.” (Herald Tribune, August 3, 1962.) Articles from the 1970s took on a more elegiac tone: “It was Once a Glorious City’s Grand Portal,” (Long Island Press, July 21, 1971.)  

By the 1990s, dissatisfaction with the “new” Penn Station led to calls for improvements, notably a scheme promoted by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan to re-purpose the General Post Office as a facsimile of the old station. Located directly west of Penn Station, the Post Office’s Beaux-Arts exterior resembled that of the original Pennsylvania Station: both had been designed by the architectural firm of McKim, Mead & White. It took many decades, but Moynihan’s plan, now known as the Moynihan Hall, came to fruition and opened on January 1, 2021.

Pennsylvania Railroad Co. New York Station, Passage L.I. Concourse to Main Waiting Room. Gibbs & Hill, 1926. Department of Buildings Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Given the oft-quoted statement that Municipal Archives mayoral collections provide information about every possible topic in local, national and even international history, a search of the Mayor Robert Wagner (1954-1965) collection seemed reasonable. However, a review of Wagner’s subject listings did not reveal anything that seemed pertinent to the subject.

Letter, Robert Moses, President, New York World’s Fair 1964-1965 Corporation, to Department of Parks Commissioner Newbold Morris, April 2, 1962. Department of Parks General Files. NYC Municipal Archives.

Another Municipal Archives collection often cited for its wide-ranging subject matter, the Parks Department records, proved more fruitful. The Penn Station story in the 1960s did not have any obvious connection to Parks. However, based on previous experience, the Parks collection often provided information on seemingly unrelated topics, especially when Robert Moses served as Commissioner from 1934 to 1960. During that period, the records document his wide range of responsibilities beyond parks, such as highways, airports, and housing.

Although Mayor Wagner replaced Moses with Newbold Morris as Parks Commissioner in 1960, correspondence in the collection continues to serve many research subjects. In this instance, it turned out that there was a parks-connection. The bulk of the correspondence in the early 1960s concerned an effort by Commissioner Morris to preserve some of the granite columns from the façade of the soon-to-be-demolished station.

And it should not come as a surprise that Robert Moses, then serving as President of the New York World’s Fair 1964-1965 Corporation, would have something to say about this idea as well as the impending demolition of the station. “The whole station was inconvenient. The big shed was, and is, a monstrosity. No doubt the Grand Central Station is not as fine a monument, but it is a hell of a lot better station.” He also dismissed Morris’ column preservation plan.

Memo, Stuart Constable, New York World’s Fair 1964-1965 Corporation, to Robert Moses, March 30, 1962. Department of Parks General Files. NYC Municipal Archives.

What is a little harder to explain is why the Parks folders contained copies of correspondence to Mayor Wagner about Penn Station. But they do help researchers understand city government’s role, or lack thereof, in its demise. The 1962 Parks folder includes a copy of a letter to Mayor Wagner from the Midtown Realty Owners Association expressing their enthusiastic support for “...the recently announced plans to build a new Madison Square Garden sports center and office building complex above Pennsylvania Station.” Similarly, the Thirty Fourth Street Midtown Association issued a press release reproducing a letter they sent to Mayor Wagner on August 28, 1962: “Our Association herewith expresses approval of the proposed construction of a new Madison Square Garden on the site of the Pennsylvania Station. The opposition of a small group to this improvement appears to be entirely unsound. Redevelopment of this valuable property will represent a great economic gain for the midtown area and the entire city.”   

The folder also included copies of correspondence from Pennsylvania Railroad Company officials explaining their actions. They wrote that the original purpose of the station to accommodate long-distance travelers did not serve its current use as a commuter hub. Operating the station incurred an annual loss of more than $2 million. While they recognized the aesthetic value of the station, as a private enterprise, answerable to stockholders, the economics of their industry dictated replacing the “outmoded” station.    

Pennsylvania Station, exterior, 1961. Mayor Robert Wagner Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Muschamp’s 1993 Times article about Moynihan’s plan, quoted the Senator: “New York City has never got over tearing down Penn Station... it was a joy coming up from Norfolk as a young ensign”—this was in the late forties—“and arriving there.” Moynihan then referenced the often-cited quote from Vincent Scully, professor of art history at Yale. “One entered the city like a god,” Scully wrote in “American Architecture and Urbanism,” in 1969. “One scuttles in now like a rat.”

Look for future For the Record articles that explore the plan to preserve the original columns from the station, as well as the origins of the Landmark Preservation Commission.

100 Years of WNYC

Since 2015, the Municipal Archives has participated in the annual New York City Photoville festival. Photoville is a citywide two-week pop-up exhibit. The main venue is directly under the Brooklyn Bridge at the corner of Water and New Dock Street in DUMBO, Brooklyn. This year, it runs from June 1-16, 2024. For the core exhibits, each Photoville participant transforms a shipping container into a temporary gallery. Our exhibit this year celebrates 100 years of WNYC.

Municipal Building with WNYC radio antennae, July 18, 1924. Photo by Eugene de Salignac. NYC Municipal Archives.

From 1924 until 1997, WNYC radio was owned and operated by the City of New York for “Instruction, Enlightenment, and Entertainment.” WNYC turns 100 this year, and its history is intimately related to both City government and the NYC Municipal Archives. From the first broadcast on July 8, 1924, preserved in photographs by Eugene de Salignac, to historic broadcasts (both radio and television), the Municipal Archives is the repository of much of WNYC’s historical audio and video programs. The rest of its history has been preserved by the New York Public Radio Archives, founded in 2000. Its archivist, Andy Lanset, has spent more than two decades gathering ephemera, equipment, and lost recordings. He has been awarded several collaborative grants to digitize the recordings housed in the Municipal Archives and New York Public Radio.

WNYC’s first day on the air, July 8, 1924. (Earlier in the day - first broadcast at night) Grover A. Whalen, WNYC’s founder, (in tux) is joined by Public Address Operators Bert L. Davies and Frank Orth (seated) who is operating a wave meter. Photo by Eugene de Salignac. Department of Bridges/Plant and Structures collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Grover Whalen, Commissioner of the Department of Plant & Structures launched WNYC Radio on July 8, 1924. Through their original programming and recordings made at City Hall events and press conferences, WNYC Radio reporters, engineers and producers captured a wide range of important cultural and political personalities. John Glenn and John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, Josephine Baker and Bob Dylan, astronauts and politicians, artists, musicians and poets all made appearances on WNYC. The founder of the Municipal Archives, librarian Rebecca Rankin, even had her own radio program on WNYC.

WNYC’s first issued program guide, The Masterwork Hour, December 1935. WNYC collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Over time, WNYC Radio grew into both AM and FM stations, as well as a television station that enhanced the civic life of New Yorkers. In 1996, the City sold WNYC TV to a commercial entity. WNYC AM and FM continue today as the core of New York Public Radio, a non-profit organization that also includes WQXR, WQXW, New Jersey Public Radio, Gothamist and The Jerome L. Greene Performance Space.

Although the station was a very public presence in New York and often groundbreaking in programming and technology, it was not always beloved. Mayor John Francis Hylan used the station as a tool to attack his opponents, which led to a 1925 lawsuit and a judgement that WNYC could not be used for propaganda. His successor, Mayor James J. Walker, considered shutting it down, but it survived despite public calls for its elimination, including from mayoral candidate Fiorello H. La Guardia. Mayor La Guardia appointed Seymour N. Siegal as Assistant Program Director to “shut the joint down.” Instead, Siegel returned with a report on how the station could be improved. He saw value in the station as a means to make government more transparent and to educate the public on issues of health and safety. Siegel got a stay of execution from La Guardia as the station was put on probation and a broadcasting panel of experts from the networks studied the situation and eventually reported back to La Guardia with recommendations for what was needed to keep the station going.

WPA Federal Art Project poster by Frank Greco circa 1939 (colorized). NYC Municipal Archives.

WNYC Radio Map, ca. 1937. A.G. Lorimer artist. WNYC Archive Collections. https://www.wnyc.org/story/123806-artist-and-architect-a-g-lorimer

Original can from the WNYC Film Unit. WNYC collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Meanwhile by the mid-to-late 1930s, the Federal Works Progress Administration (WPA) provided funding which underwrote half of the programming. It also supported construction of new studios for the station in the Municipal Building and a new transmitter in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. WPA artists even contributed murals and artwork for the studios. La Guardia changed his attitude and saw the station as an educational and cultural tool and began to use it as a way to talk directly to the people of the City. He also separated WNYC from the Department of Plant & Structures and created a new mayoral agency, the Municipal Broadcasting System, with Morris S. Novik as its director.

Title card from “Baby Knows Best,” a WNYC-TV production, ca. 1950s. WNYC collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

WNYC-TV cameraman in City Hall, ca. 1962. Photographer unknown. WNYC collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Ralph McDaniels, creator of Video Music Box, on the cover of Wavelength, 1989. WNYC Archive Collections.

After World War II, Siegel, fresh from five years in the Navy, became the second director. Siegel continued to develop new educational programming for the station, and in 1949 he created the WNYC film unit to develop short educational films for the new medium of television. By 1962, WNYC-TV had its own television channel, the first municipal TV station in the nation. Facing massive budget cuts, Siegel turned in his resignation in 1971. The 1970s were not kind to WNYC, and in 1975 it held its first on-air membership drive to raise money. In 1979 the WNYC Foundation was formed with the idea of eventual independence from the City. In the 1980s, WNYC-TV broke new ground, with the first LGBT TV news series, Our Time, which premiered in 1983, and Video Music Box, which was launched by a young employee, Ralph McDaniels, in 1984. It was the first TV program to regularly air rap videos.

Staff on the roof of the Municipal Building for the 53rd Anniversary of WNYC, July 1977. Photograph by Sal de Rosa. WNYC Archive Collections.

Nelson Mandela receiving the key to the city from Mayor Dinkins, June 20, 1990. NYC Municipal Archives. https://www.wnyc.org/story/mandela-in-new-york/

FM Transmitter on top of World Trade Center, 1986. Photograph by Lisa Clifford. NYC Municipal Archives.

After a tumultuous review, Mayor Guiliani announced the sale of WNYC AM & FM licenses to the WNYC Foundation in 1995. WNYC-TV was to be sold at auction to commercial bidders. June 30, 1996, was the last broadcast of WNYC-TV, and on January 27, 1997, WNYC AM & FM were officially on their own. Of course, it took a little while to move out of the ‘attic.’ It was not until June 2008 that WNYC transferred the studios from the tower of the Municipal Building to the current Varick Street location.

More challenges awaited WNYC. In September 2001, WNYC lost its FM transmitter in the collapse of the north tower of the World Trade Center. The AM station continued to broadcast using a telephone land-line patch. In August 2003, the northeast blackout plunged the city into darkness, but the station stayed on the air with candlelight and emergency generators. In 2012, the WNYC-AM transmitter site in the new Jersey Meadowlands was damaged by Hurricane Sandy, taking it off the air. And in March 2020, WNYC had to set up home studios for its hosts as the COVID-19 pandemic shut down offices. Independence for WNYC also meant the launching of new magazine programing, podcasting, and a bevy of Peabody and other awards for programming including work by the producers of Radiolab, Studio 360, On the Media, Soundcheck and others.

Recovery efforts at Ground Zero, September 2001. Photographer unknown, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

The Masterwork Bulletin, May-June 1971. WNYC Archive Collections.

Fitting 100 years of this history into a 20-foot-long shipping container presented a challenge. An easy solution would have been to just illustrate some part of the station’s history, but that did not seem to be fitting for this momentous birthday. The early years of WNYC were well photographed by Eugene de Salignac, agency photographer, but the Municipal Archives had few photos from the 1970s and 1980s. Luckily WNYC engineer Alfred Tropea had taken some beautiful color slides of the Greenpoint transmitter site and WNYC operations. And the WNYC program guides started to include more colorful covers with photographs of some hosts. Although Photoville centers on photography, we knew to tell the story we would need to use archival photographs, ephemera, and audio clips to celebrate WNYC’s history and importance to the City of New York. Even then, the story is too broad to tell fully. The exhibit had to be an immersive experience, with audio and visual components, so we settled on using four panels, each with a collage of images. A timeline underneath each panel marks highlights in the station’s history. An audio montage accompanies the visual panels:

Brian Lehrer broadcasting from his home, March 2020. Wayne Schulmister/WNYC Engineering.

Not everything made the cut, and the reasons are rather random. The great blues musician Huddie ‘Leadbelly’ Ledbetter was a hugely important presence for WNYC in the 1940s, but the audio was hard to fit in. Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie were also cut, but Bob Dylan’s first radio broadcast went in. Rebecca Rankin, despite her importance to the Municipal Archives, was cut from the exhibit, but stayed in the audio. For Photoville we wanted to include a panel discussion on modern photography with Edward Steichen, Margaret Bourke-White, Walker Evans, Irving Penn, and Ben Shahn from 1950 but it was hard to find a good short clip. Instead, we went with a rare interview with Diane Arbus, recorded shortly before her death in 1971. A 1961 Malcom X interview was left out and Martin Luther King, Jr. was included simply because the Malcolm X interview was not an official WNYC broadcast and the 1964 King event was an important City celebration. We had wanted to include something on gay rights in the wake of the 1969 Stonewall Riots, but we found a better clip of an ACT UP demonstration for more funding for the AIDS crisis, which happened to be recorded by a young reporter named Andy Lanset.

WNYC Transmitter building, Greenpoint, ca. 1980s. Photograph by Alfred Tropea, WNYC Archive Collections.

WNYC audio and WNYC-TV/Film collections are available from the NYC Municipal Archives and from the New York Public Radio Archive.

To learn more about WNYC’s history, follow Andy Lanset’s New York Public Radio History Notes Newsletter. Here are some highlights in addition to the links in this article.

  1. The night WNYC became real: www.wnyc.org/story/wnycs-first-official-broadcast

  2. WNYC and the Federal WPA:  www.wnyc.org/story/wnycs-wpa-murals

  3. The Plan and Promise of WNYC: www.wnyc.org/story/new-york-citys-silver-jubilee-plan-and-promise-wnyc

  4. Morris Novik and a Model of Public Radio: www.wnyc.org/story/218821-morris-s-novik-public-radio-pioneer

  5. WNYC’s ID – Hope for the World: www.wnyc.org/story/where-7-million-people-live-peace-and-enjoy-benefits-democracy

  6. Lead Belly on WNYC Throughout the 1940s: www.wnyc.org/story/king-twelve-string-guitar-wnyc-regular-through-1940s

  7. Christie Bonsack and Early WNYC: www.wnyc.org/story/christie-bohnsack-wnycs-first-director

  8. WNYC – The Station that Dodged Bullets: www.wnyc.org/story/wnyc-station-dodged-bullets

  9. WNYC’s Journey to Independence: www.wnyc.org/story/going-public-story-wnycs-journey-independence

  10. WNYC – Visions of a Flagship Station for a Cultural Network: www.wnyc.org/story/1937-vision-wnyc-flagship-station-non-commercial-cultural-network

100 Years of WNYC, Audio montage, list of clips

  1. Re-enactment of first 1924 WNYC broadcast, 1948

  2. Sweet Georgia Brown, Ben Bernie and His Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra, 1925

  3. Col. Lindbergh Tickertape Parade Reception, June 13, 1927

  4. Emergency Relief Committee Orchestra, 1931

  5. Station sign-off, December 1931

  6. Rebecca Rankin, Municipal Librarian, 1938

  7. News broadcast, 1938

  8. World’s Fair station ID, 1939

  9. Pearl Harbor attack broadcast, December 7, 1941

  10. Mayor La Guardia war-time Talk to the People, January 2, 1944

  11. Mayor LaGuardia reads the comics during newspaper strike, July 8, 1945

  12. Audio from City of Magic, WNYC-TV/Film, 1949

  13. AM and FM Station ID, January 11, 1950

  14. Bert the Turtle, Duck and Cover, ca. 1952

  15. Audio from This is the Municipal Broadcasting System, WNYC-TV/Film, 1953

  16. Eleanor Roosevelt DJs Elvis Presley’s song Ready Teddy, February 6, 1957

  17. Last run of the 3rd Avenue El, May 12, 1955

  18. Footloose in Greenwich Village, May 6, 1960

  19. Bob Dylan’s first radio appearance, October 29, 1961

  20. John Glenn, first American to orbit the earth, February 20, 1962

  21. President Lyndon B. Johnson, Gulf of Tonkin announcement, August 4, 1964

  22. Martin Luther King, Jr. welcome at City Hall, December 17, 1964

  23. Station ID, 1963

  24. Diane Arbus, interviewed for Viewpoints of Women by Richard Pyatt, September 2, 1971

  25. Shirley Chisholm announces run for presidency, January 25, 1972

  26. WNYC Golden Anniversary, Mayor Abraham D. Beame reading proclamation, July 8, 1974

  27. Mayor Ed Koch town hall in Jackson Heights, June 1, 1979

  28. Transit Strike, April 3, 1980

  29. “Voices of Disarmament” rally, June 14, 1982

  30. Vito Russo’s Our Time: Episode 1 - Lesbian & Gay History, February 16, 1983

  31. Philip Glass interviewed on New Sounds by John Schaefer, January 6, 1985

  32. ACT UP demonstration at City Hall, Andy Lanset reporting, March 28, 1989

  33. Ladysmith Black Mambazo, August 30, 1987

  34. Mayor David N. Dinkins and Nelson Mandela in New York, June 20, 1990

  35. Snap!, The Power, Video Music Box with Ralph McDaniels, WNYC-TV, September 14, 1990

  36. Audio from Heart of the City with John F. Kennedy, Jr., March 2, 1994

  37. WNYC Independence Celebration, January 27, 1997

  38. Kurt Vonnegut, Reporter for the Afterlife, 1998

  39. World Trade Center montage, September 11, 2001

  40. Brooke Gladstone, On the Media, December 20, 2002

  41. Blackout announcement, August 14, 2003

  42. David Garland, NYPR takeover of WQXR, October 8, 2009

  43. RadioLab intro, February 20, 2010

  44. John Schaefer, Soundcheck live from The Greene Space, December 15, 2011

  45. Hurricane Sandy aircheck, October 29, 2012

  46. Brian Lehrer Show, first broadcast from his apartment due to COVID-19, March 16, 2020

  47. Protests, September 4, 2020

  48. All of It, Allison Stewart, October 21, 2021

  49. New Yorker Radio Hour, May 11, 2024

  50. Notes From America with Kai Wright, May 19, 2024

  51. Morning Edition, Michael Hill with Andy Lanset on the Anniversary of WNYC, July 8, 2023

New York’s First Memorial Day

Memorial Day, initially known as Decoration Day, originated with ceremonies in communities around the United States honoring soldiers who died in the Civil War. Several cities and towns lay claim to hosting observances between 1864 and 1867, but historians generally agree that the first widely-held commemoration took place in 1868. 

Seventh Regiment Armory, illustration, Manual of the City of New York, 1864, D. T. Valentine. NYC Municipal Library.

On March 3, 1868, General John Logan, of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of former Union sailors and soldiers, issued General Order No. 11, which called for a national day of remembrance for Civil War dead. Logan directed that May 30 would be the day “set apart for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet church-yard in the land.” On May 31, 1868, the New York Times reported on commemoration ceremonies that took place the previous day at cemeteries in the region: “Our Dead Heroes. A Nation’s Tribute to their Memory—their Graves Strewn with Flowers.”   

Letter, Emmons Clark, Colonel Commander of the 7th Regiment National Guard, to Mayor John T. Hoffman, May 18, 1868. Mayor John T. Hoffman collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Searching for possible documentation of how and when New York City officials recognized or participated in Memorial/Decoration Day ceremonies led to sources in the Municipal Archives and Library collections. Stokes’ Iconography of Manhattan Island, available in hard-copy at the Municipal Library, is usually a good place to start researching events that took place during the 19th century. In this instance, however, the only entry in the index under Memorial or Decoration Day referenced the Times article from May 31, 1868.  

The Municipal Archives’ mayoral records, often given credit for containing information about every possible topic—local, national and even international—proved more enlightening. It also provided an opportunity to demonstrate the usefulness of the word-searchable indexes created by Municipal Archives employees when working remotely in 2020.  

Letter, M. H. Beaumont, Union Executive Committee, Grand Army of the Republic, to Mayor A. Oakey Hall, May 17, 1869. Mayor A. Oakey Hall collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Typically, archival material is described at the folder level, but in the 1950s and 60s, archivists and librarians processing mayoral records recognized the exceptional intellectual content of the correspondence files and typed summary descriptions of each item. When working remotely during 2020, Municipal Archives employees began transcribing the typed summaries into searchable databases. For the Record articles, The Transcription Project, Early Mayors’ Collection and The Transcription Project, Early Mayors’ Collection II described the mayoral record transcription projects.     

Searching information on the mayoral letters for the 1860s and 1870s revealed several letters that looked like they might be relevant to Memorial/Decoration Day. On May 18, 1868, Emmons Clark, “your friend and obedient servant” wrote to Mayor John T. Hoffman on stationary from the Office of the Metropolitan Board of Health. Clark extended to the Mayor an “official invitation to review the 7th Regiment on the 29th [of May].” He wrote: “The Regiment will parade on that occasion for the first time in its new full dress uniform.” Furthermore, “The Band will number one hundred performers.” And finally, he concluded, “I particularly desire that the City authorities should be first to see the Regiment in its new attire.”   

Letter, Hans Powell, Corresponding Secretary, Memorial Committee, Grand Army of the Republic, to Mayor William H. Wickham, May 22, 1876. Mayor William H. Wickham collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

A second letter from Clark to the Mayor, also dated May 18, 1868, is written on stationary from the Headquarters of the 7th Regiment, National Guard, with Clark signing as “Colonel Commander” of the Regiment. This letter served as a formal invitation. It seems likely that both the Mayor and Commander Clark would have been aware of the “national holiday,” proclaimed for May 30, and perhaps the “review” scheduled for May 29, was intended as part of the holiday.         

Correspondence the following year, in 1869, however, is more explicit in its reference to “Memorial Services.” On May 17, 1869, M. H. Beaumont, of the Union Executive Committee of the Grand Army of the Republic wrote to the new Mayor, A. Oakey Hall, inviting him “…to be present with us and participate in the Memorial Services on the 30th day of May.” Mayor Hall also received invitations from the Ninth Regiment Infantry, and 4th Brigade, 1st Division, of the National Guard, to review parades on the 27th and 29th of May.  

The New York State Soldiers’ Depot, located at Nos. 50 and 52 Howard Street, and No. 16 Mercer Street, had been established by the State government as a temporary home for furloughed and discharged soldiers. View of the N.Y. State Soldiers’ Depot, illustration, Manual of the City of New York, 1864, D. T. Valentine. NYC Municipal Library.

Further research in the mayoral records revealed correspondence from 1876 that specifically references “Decoration Day.” Written to Mayor William H. Wickham by Hans Powell, Corresponding Secretary of the Memorial Committee, Grand Army of the Republic, and dated May 22, 1876, the letter “respectfully extends an invitation to you, and the Hon. Common Council to take part in the ninth annual parade for the purpose of decorating the soldiers and sailors graves upon Tuesday 30th Inst. (Decoration Day). This being the centennial it is proposed to make this parade a grand success.” Based on the designation of the event as the “ninth annual parade,” confirms that the first event would have taken place in 1868, the year originally designated by General Logan. 

Secondary sources state that in 1873, New York was the first state to designate Memorial Day as a legal holiday. After World War I, it became an occasion for honoring those who died in all of America’s wars. In 1971, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act and established Memorial Day was to be commemorated on the last Monday of May. 

For the Record readers are encouraged to observe this Memorial Day, May 27, 2024, the 156th anniversary of the first commemoration.   

Soldiers’ Depot, Receiving Room, 1st Floor, illustration, Manual of the City of New York, 1864, D. T. Valentine. NYC Municipal Library.

Soldiers’ Depot, Dining Room, 1st Floor, illustration, Manual of the City of New York, 1864, D. T. Valentine. NYC Municipal Library.

Looking for Yuri Kochiyama

For the Record articles have highlighted how to search for records of civil rights activist, Bayard Rustin, and queer activist, Marsha P. Johnson in Municipal Archives collections. This week, in honor of Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage month, For the Record will spotlight some collections that feature Japanese-American political and civil-rights activist Yuri Kochiyama.  

Yuri Kochiyama was born May 19, 1921 and named Mary Yuriko Nakahara. She later took the name Yuri to connect with her Japanese heritage. In 1946 she married William (Bill) Kochiyama, a former soldier in the United States all-Japanese 422nd Regiment. Researchers are advised to take note of her several names when searching in Archives collections.   

Kochiyama, Mary. Malcolm X assassination case file records. NY District Attorney NYC Municipal Archives. 

Possibly the first evidence of Kochiyama in the collections can be found in the New York District Attorney Malcolm X assassination closed-case file. It contains a document dated June 1964, noting that Kochiyama invited Malcolm X to speak in her Harlem apartment during a meeting for nuclear bomb survivors: “She has seen Malcolm X at her house in June/1964 where she had a meeting there on business for the “Pilgrimage of the Hiroshima Nagasaki World Peace Study Mission (A Communist Organization).”   

Index card with physical description of Mary (Yuri)Kochiyama. Nation of Islam Index. NYPD Intelligence Division Records. NYC Municipal Archives.

Kochiyama was especially passionate about organizing against nuclear proliferation and for civil rights because of her experiences as a young woman. During WWII, she and her entire family were forcibly removed and incarcerated in American concentration camps called “relocation centers.” Throughout WWII, over 120,000 Japanese Americans were incarcerated; of those approximately 112,000 persons were incarcerated because of President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066 from March to August 1942.  

Nearly 70,000  incarcerees were American citizens and others had lived in the United States for decades but were barred from gaining citizenship because of anti-immigrations laws like the Immigration Act of 1924 and “Alien Land Laws” of 1913. Kochiyama’s early experiences with discriminatory laws and hearing first-hand accounts from others in her community shaped her later work as an activist.  

Kochiyama and Malcolm X’s friendship continued beyond these meetings. Records in the NYPD Intelligence Division a.k.a. the “Handschu” collection index-card series documents her close ties to the Nation of Islam. The cards show NYPD surveillance of mosques, organizations, and individuals. There are several cards on Kochiyama, one provides a physical description. Other cards in the collection comment on her presence at Vietnam War-related moratorium in 1969, and a court appearance by H. Rap Brown and others in 1972.   

Mary Kochiyama, 1969. Index card series, NYPD Intelligence Division Records. NYC Municipal Archives.

Mary Kochiyama, 1972. Index card series, NYPD Intelligence Division Records. NYC Municipal Archives.

The Malcolm X assassination files also reveal that Kochiyama and her son, Bill Kochiyama, were present at the Audubon Ballroom where Malcolm X was speaking before he was assassinated. The District Attorney recorded Kochiyama’s account as a witness. 

Letter to NYPD from Philadelphia Police Department, July 30, 1971. Numbered Communications Files, NYPD Intelligence Records. NYC Municipal Archives.

Letter from NYPD to Philadelphia Police Department, September 21, 1971. Numbered Communications Files, NYPD Intelligence Records. NYC Municipal Archives.

Other evidence of NYPD surveillance of Kochiyama can be found in the Intelligence Division’s communication files. These records consist of police reports on individuals who were observed at rallies or providing updates on the investigation of an individual or organization. The files include correspondence from the Philadelphia Police Department to the NYPD confirming Kochiyama was under investigation in 1971.

Beyond her friendship with Malcolm X, Kochiyama dedicated most of her life to activism, helping to build solidarity between Asian-American and Black communities. Kochiyama was involved with a variety of organizations throughout her life from the Congress on Racial Equality (C.O.R.E.) to the Young Lords. In 1977 she participated in a takeover of the Statue of Liberty by the Young Lords. Perhaps further research in the NYPD organization files will yield additional documentation.

Yuri Kochiyama moved to Oakland, California in 1993. She continued her activism, strongly condemning the rise in Islamophobia after the September 11th terrorist attacks in 2001. Yuri Kochiyama died on June 1, 2014, at the age of 93. 

May Day

May Day, or International Worker’s Day, originated during the 19th century in the United States, but observance in this country has greatly diminished in recent years. Labor Day is more widely celebrated to commemorate the strides made by labor activists. As recently as the 1970s, however, May Day marches took place in New York. The Municipal Archives New York Police Department (NYPD) Special Investigations Unit collection includes documentation of parades during that era.  

May Day flyer, 1955. New York Police Department Intelligence Records, Hanschu Small Organization Series. NYC Municipal Archives.

This Week, For the Record highlights the NYPD May Day records as well as other collections in the Municipal Archives that are useful for labor history research. In addition to the NYPD material, the Building Department permit collection, felony prosecution records, and mayoral correspondence are all good sources. 

May Day was born on May 1, 1886, when the American Federation of Labor (AFL) urged all workers to strike for an eight-hour day. Workers in Chicago heard the call and launched a strike that was met with a heavy police response. Known as the Haymarket Affair, an unknown person detonated a dynamite bomb, prompting police officers to open fire on striking workers. The AFL established May 1 to commemorate Haymarket and the continuing push for an eight-hour workday. The holiday soon spread throughout the world.  

Labor activism has a long history in New York City. Some of the largest labor demonstrations, as well as legislative changes that eventually improved working conditions, occurred in New York. One of the earliest labor unions established in the U.S. was the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU). Founded in New York City in 1900, the group was the fusion of multiple local unions. They organized numerous large-scale strikes involving tens of thousands of industrial workers, particularly in New York City’s garment district which was notorious for its brutal sweatshops. Workrooms were overcrowded, dimly lit, and workers were underpaid and overworked. By 1910, the ILGWU won concessions that improved safety in those settings.  

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in 1911 proved that more measures were desperately needed. It remains one of the deadliest disasters in New York City history. Located in Greenwich Village at 23 Washington Place, the factory exhibited many of the deadly conditions experienced by the largely immigrant garment workers. The factory did not have proper fire escapes. In addition, poor ventilation and locked exits prevented the workers from escaping the flames and smoke. The single fire escape on the building collapsed, the main doors were locked or jammed, and the main exit was limited to only a few employees at a time. Ultimately this led to the deaths of 146 garment workers, mostly young immigrant women. 

Two Municipal Archives’ collections document this tragic event. The Manhattan Department of Buildings block and lot permit collection includes correspondence related to 23 Washington Place. In a letter dated May 6, 1900, building architect, John Wooley, requested an exemption from the building law to require fewer staircases for escape.  

Correspondence, Manhattan Block 547, Lot 8, 1900. Department of Buildings, Manhattan permit folder collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

The Archives’ New York District Attorney felony prosecution records include the indictment against factory owners Max Blanck and Isaac Harris. Prosecutors presented evidence that showed that the doors were intentionally locked during working hours to increase productivity, and that exits were restricted to prevent employees stealing scraps of cloth, and allegedly to prevent union organizers from entering the factory.  

Felony Indictment no. 82980 of 1911, New York District Attorney collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Felony Indictment no. 82980 of 1911, New York District Attorney collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Blanck and Harris were acquitted of manslaughter, but eventually, in 1913, they were found guilty in a wrongful death civil suit. The ruling forced the owners to compensate each affected family with $75.00.  

The fire mobilized the ILGWU to fight even harder for better working conditions in the city, and ultimately in the country. Local leaders like Frances Perkins eventually helped shape policies of the New Deal in the 1930s and 40s. 

Other Municipal Archives collections are useful for research into the labor movement. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia’s papers are a good source of information about the American Labor Party (ALP). Founded in 1936, and operated largely within New York, it was closely aligned with President Franklin D. Roosevelt. LaGuardia’s records include his correspondence with the ALP. One example is the ratification of the ALP’s state legislative program. The ALP sent advance copies of the report directly to the Mayor’s Office for comments. 

Correspondence, Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia Subject Files, 1945. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Correspondence, Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia Subject Files, 1945. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Mayor LaGuardia and New York State officials, worked closely with the ALP to give unions and trade groups more protections. The interconnectedness of labor groups and the local government showcases the strength of the pro-labor movements in the first half of the 20th century.  

The Cold War and growing fear of Communism ultimately led to the dissolution of the ALP. But even as the party lost power, other groups rose up to take its place. Throughout the second half of the 20th century, organizations formed to advocate for workers rights, better union representation, and for peace in the world.  

The recently processed New York Police Department Intelligence Records highlights these groups and their activities. Parades featuring speakers, activities, and entertainment were one way to gain attention. They were meant to engage with New Yorkers and bring awareness to social causes. Here is a flyer and press release from an event hosted by the Provisional Workers and People’s Committee in 1955.  

May Day Press Release, 1955. New York Police Department Intelligence Records, Hanschu Small Organization Series. NYC Municipal Archives.

May Day flyer, 1955. New York Police Department Intelligence Records, Hanschu Small Organization Series. NYC Municipal Archives.

The origins of May Day are still remembered almost 150 years after the Haymarket Affair, and the lessons of the first labor activists echo in their rallies today. Whether participants are fighting for a four-day work week, an eight-hour workday, greater representation in government, equal pay or higher wages, May Day is a milestone—somewhat diminished from its heyday—but still observed in New York City.   

Researchers are welcome to contact and visit the Municipal Archives to learn more about our collections that highlight labor history in New York City.