Cataloging, this week’s blog, is the first in a series about the ‘behind-the-scenes’ work City archivists perform to preserve and provide access to the collections.
As a researcher clicks through search results in the online gallery of the NYC Municipal Archives, which features almost one million digitized images, they are likely to find some surprises...
Sunset Park’s Chinatown has one crucial bit of infrastructure, and you might walk right by it: the 8th Avenue (at 62nd Street) subway station, a low-slung, washed-out, pigeon roost that could pass for an old bathhouse at a city beach but for the yellow-circled “N” out front...
You should walk this north to south, starting at, say, 25th Street, after gazing at the Gothic spires of Green-Wood Cemetery, Sunset Park’s monk parakeet neighborhood...
In today’s post, we share some beautiful and visually interesting letterheads found in the correspondence of New York City Mayor John Purroy Mitchel, who held office from 1914-1917. Mitchel established a Mayor’s Committee on National Defense, inviting local civilian