Honoring Women’s History Day, Week and Month

From 1977 to 1991, New York City Councilmembers Miriam Friedlander, Jane Trichter, Ruth Messinger and others frequently used the cable television station Channel L to advocate for the rights and welfare of women, as well as celebrate the history and ongoing activism of women in the City. Channel L was the public access channel assigned to the City of New York by (Sterling) Manhattan Cable Television as part of the franchise agreement MCT signed with the City in the late 1960s. Hosting episodes of the call-in talk show, ‘Manhattan at Large,’ these Councilmembers invited guests to discuss salient and evolving issues in women’s lives, such as job discrimination, domestic abuse, politics, sexual orientation, and homelessness, to name just a few.

The first Women’s History Day was held in New York City, February 28th, 1909, organized by the Socialist Party of America and corresponded with rising action to achieve women’s suffrage in the United States. In the following years, the celebration evolved into International Women’s History Day, observed every March 8th by feminist, Socialist and labor organizations around the world. By 1978, both New York City and the United Nations officially recognized International Women’s History Day and the United States declared March as Women’s History Month in 1987.

REC0072_0136_excerpt March 3, 1982. Channel L Working Group Collection, NYC Municipal Archives. Diane Lacey (board member of the NYC Health and Hospital Corporation) and Connie Kopelov (Coalition of Labor Union Women) comment on the importance of knowing women’s history and what it does for them personally.

The recognition of International Women’s History Day in 1978 came one year after the pivotal 1977 National Women’s Conference in Houston, chaired by New York Congressional Representative Bella Abzug. Tens of thousands of women from across the country attended the conference and created a report that was later presented to Congress and the Carter administration. The report, titled The Spirit of Houston, included a National Plan of Action detailing reforms and new policies meant to improve the lives of women in the United States. The many topics covered in the report included: education, minority women, employment, domestic abuse, healthcare, an Equal Rights Amendment, insurance, homemakers, older women, sexual assault and reproductive freedom.

REC0072_0013_excerpt March 15, 1978. Channel L Working Group Collection, NYC Municipal Archives. The devaluation of work traditionally done by women was one of many topics discussed at the National Women’s Conference.

The importance of such a conference was underlined by the stark realities women faced in the United States in the late 1970s, and still face today. One topic that Councilmember Friedlander returned to repeatedly on her Channel L program was the plight of battered women and efforts to reform laws around domestic abuse. Frequently, law enforcement officers and courts treated domestic violence as a family matter to be handled internally, rather than a criminal assault that necessitated serious legal penalties. Over the course of her time in City politics, Friedlander successfully pushed for a significant expansion of shelters and services for victims of domestic abuse.

REC0072_0027_excerpt July 26, 1978. Channel L Working Group Collection, NYC Municipal Archives. The ongoing tolerance of domestic abuse has been a primary example of the way in which women are treated as second class citizens, despite significant reforms.

Although abortion had been decriminalized in New York State in 1970, it wasn’t until 1973 with the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v Wade that abortion was essentially legalized throughout the country. Even with this new legal status, it was estimated that hundreds of thousands of women were still unable to get an abortion throughout the 1970s. This was often due to inadequate facilities where they lived, forcing them to make long and burdensome trips to obtain safe and reliable healthcare. This remains a major problem almost half a century later and one that primarily impacts already disadvantaged women.

REC0072_0129_excerpt January 13, 1982. Channel L Working Group Collection, NYC Municipal Archives. Despite abortion rights being consistently supported by large majorities in the United States, it is an inherently difficult topic to discuss and therefore organize around.

In 1937, Genevieve Earle was the first woman elected to the New York City Council. Representing Brooklyn, she became involved in politics in 1907 as a municipal researcher and was a leader in the local suffragist movement for many years. Four decades after her election, Councilmembers like Miriam Friedlander traced their own work for women’s rights back to this era, drawing not only on the inspiration Earle had provided, but also the hard-won legal rights the suffragette generation had achieved. As of 2022, roughly four decades after these television programs were broadcast, for the first time in history, the majority of the New York City Council is made up of women. Still, it is important to appreciate that women’s history extends far beyond any one place or time and that no one organization or group of government officials has an ability to define or claim ownership. The same can and should be said of women’s hard-won legal rights.

The New York City Municipal Archives recognizes the critical role that women have played in our City’s history and is committed to the preservation of records that document that history. We hope that the conversations recorded in these videos and many others in the Channel L collection will inspire  current and future generations to honor the achievements of those who came before and strive for a better future.

The Historical Vital Records of NYC

The Department of Records and Information Services launched Historical Vital Records of NYC this week. The site features more than nine million birth, death and marriage records, all freely available to browse, search and download. In less than 24 hours after the launch, people from across the globe—in Europe, United Kingdom, Australia, China, New Zealand, Argentina, Jamaica, Hong Kong, Fiji—to name just a few places, visited the site.   

Family gathering in Queens, n.d. Borough President Queens Lantern Slide Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

The Municipal Archives has always endeavored to use advances in technology to expand and facilitate access to its vast holdings. About ten years ago, DORIS leadership began promoting the benefits of digitizing the historical vital record collection. Their arguments were persuasive and funding was made available beginning in 2013.    

“Friends of China” Parade in New York City’s Chinatown, December 1937. WPA Federal Writers’ Project Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

It was an incredibly layered undertaking that involved setting up the financial, physical and digital infrastructures to support the long-term project. In the first phase, Assistant Commissioner Kenneth Cobb procured contracts with eDocNY, a New York State Industries for the Disabled vendor, to digitize the records. Cobb led a team of technologists, database managers, digitization technicians, metadata creators, collections managers, preservation and conservation staff, to ensure the project’s success. 

The vendor eDocNY produced excellent high-quality, full-color scans of the certificates—a vast improvement over the microfilmed images previously available. The digital image helped to improve accuracy in transcribing the records and provided another opportunity to engage with genealogy partners who, since 2003, had been indexing the collections from microfilmed and hard-copy sources.  

The next phase was to make the new digital records available to a broader audience.  In 2017, DORIS launched an application built by in-house developers that allowed reference staff to fulfill requests for vital-record copies more efficiently and accurately using the new color images. The vital-records application also provided onsite patrons with the ability to search and view the records. The “app” was a pivotal steppingstone.    

Michael J Mahoney Park, n.d. Department of Parks and Recreation Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Once the digitization project with eDocNY successfully digitized more than eight million records, DORIS pivoted to digitizing the Marriage License series in-house. Over the past several years more than one-million records have been digitized, preserved, and made available. The project was interrupted during the pandemic and picked up again in August, 2021. This work is on-going.  

Further, City archivist Patricia Glowinski has begun working on a comprehensive guide to the New York City vital records, documenting records created and/or maintained by the City of New York, and vital records created and/or maintained by municipalities that were once located within the boundaries of the present-day five Boroughs that were dissolved or annexed before 1898. The collection includes birth, marriage, and death registers, certificates, and indexes, and marriage licenses, 1760-1949 (with gaps).

On the steps of a school, n.d. Municipal Archives Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

The agency’s application development team tested a variety of open-source approaches to making the vital records available in a timeframe that internet users expect. They built a robust, secure, easy-to-use platform, capable of handling a large volume of users simultaneously. As a result, on day one, more than 25,000 users accessed the site and downloaded 12,000 records.   

With each step, access to the collections increases, and the Municipal Archives continues to build and sustain industry-standard plans to manage the physical and digital collections, and the associated descriptions that provide access points. It is to the credit and expertise of archivists, conservators, and reference and research professionals at the New York City Municipal Library and Archives, that these collections will survive for future generations, and continue to enrich the research experience of people and communities around the world.   

Family in tenement kitchen, n.d. Municipal Archives Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Stay tuned for more announcements! 

The “Remembered Way of Doing Things,” Minutes of the Court of General Sessions, 1683-1962

The Municipal Archives collection of records pertaining to the administration of criminal justice have been described as the most comprehensive in the English-speaking world. They date back to the 17th century and include a variety of materials such as minute books, docket books, indictment papers and case files created by the criminal courts and district attorneys. 

A series of blogs are planned to describe these records and provide guidance on how to conduct research. This first installment focuses on one of the oldest series in the Municipal Archives, the Minutes of the Court of General Sessions. Future blogs will examine the court and criminal prosecution records of the Dutch colonial period, records of the lower criminal courts, and records created by the district attorneys.  

Minutes of the Court of General Sessions, volume 1, 1683-1687. Original volume from the collection of the New York County Clerk’s Division of Old Records.

Until its consolidation with the Supreme Court of New York County in 1962, the Court of General Sessions was the oldest continuing court of criminal jurisdiction in the United States. The court organization had been brought over by English settlers to the New York colony as part of the “. . . remembered way of doing things.” (Martin L. Budd, “Law in Colonial New York:  The Legal System of 1691,” Harvard Law Review 1967, Vol. 80, page 1764.)  Its origin dates back to fourteenth-century England when the traditional justices of the peace were required to hear more serious offenses in meetings held four specific times a year which came to be called general or quarter sessions. 

When the English rule of New York City was re‑established after the Dutch occupation for a year in 1674‑5, Sir Edmund Andros, the English governor, reconstituted the city government, giving to the mayor and any four of the aldermen power to hold a court of sessions. In 1685, a permanent law officer, called a recorder, was authorized, who thereafter sat as part of the court. Formally established by the Judicial Act of 1691, the Court of General Sessions had jurisdiction to try felony indictments.

Criminal jurisdiction continued with little change after the Revolutionary War. In 1787, a statute directed that in New York City the mayor, recorder and aldermen, or any three of these, of whom the mayor or recorder had to be one, composed the Court of General Sessions in and for the City and County of New York. Meetings were held on the first Tuesday in February, May, August, and November of each year, and might last eight days. 

The Court of General Sessions existed in New York County (Manhattan) only. The court tried felony indictments before a petit jury. The definition of a felony changed over time, but generally included crimes such as burglary, homicide, grand larceny, felonious assault, robbery and perjury. General Sessions also heard appeals from lower courts (Police Court, Magistrates’ Court and Court of Special Sessions). A case was brought before the Court when a grand jury agreed that the district attorney had presented sufficient evidence that a crime had been committed and signed a bill of indictment. 

The adoption of this basically English institution established such rights as trial by jury and the use of the grand jury as part of New York’s legal system beginning from the late 1600s. In its basic forms and procedures, the court remained relatively unchanged over the next three centuries. In 1962, the court system in New York City was reorganized and the Court of General Sessions became known as Supreme Court—Criminal Branch.         

The Minutes of the New York County Court of General Sessions provide a summary record of the court’s proceedings. For each day the court was in session the minutes record the names of the presiding justice, prosecutor, defendant, defendant’s counsel, and jurors. The record also states the charge, defendant’s plea and outcome of the proceedings.   

Beginning in 1840, as the number of cases increased, the Court divided itself into “Parts,” as follows:

  • Feb. 1683 ‑ Dec. 1839, 60 vols.             

  • Part I, Sep. 1840 ‑ Nov. 1919, 211 vols.   

  • Part II, Feb. 1873 ‑ May 1919, 59 vols.     

  • Part III, Mar. 1887 ‑ Apr. 1920, 35 vols.  

  • Part IV, Jan. 1896 ‑ Jan. 1920, 28 vols.   

  • Part V, June 1907 ‑ Apr. 1914, 6 vols.      

  • Part VI, Oct. 1914 ‑ Feb. 1921, 5 vols.     

Minutes of the Court of General Sessions, February - December 1836, Index page “E” and “F” names. NYC Municipal Archives.

Researchers should note that this series is not a transcript of trial proceedings.  Trial transcripts were generally made only if the case was appealed or if the defendant paid for one. Trial transcripts from the Court of General Sessions from 1883-1927 are available from the Sealy Library at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY).      

The Minutes from 1683‑1922 have been microfilmed and are available for research in the Municipal Archives. The minutes after 1922 are hard-copy only and available for research at the Archives’ Industry City, Brooklyn, location.  

How to Use the Minutes of the Court of General Sessions. 

Each volume of the Minutes contains an alphabetical index by name of defendant.

This makes the intellectual content of the series relatively simple to access.  

The search for documentation of the case against Henry Faulkner, and others, accused of conspiracy, will serve as an example. With advance knowledge of the 1836 time period (from newspaper accounts), it was quick work to find the relevant entries.  

The People vs. Henry Faulkner, and others on indictment for “Conspiracy,” plead “Not Guilty,” Minutes of the Court of General Sessions, March 18, 1836. NYC Municipal Archives.

The People, etc. vs. Emma Goldman on indictment for unlawful assembly, Minutes of the Court of General Sessions, September 11, 1893. NYC Municipal Archives.

The People, etc. vs. Emma Goldman on indictment for unlawful assembly, Minutes of the Court of General Sessions, September 11, 1893. NYC Municipal Archives.

As noted above, the Minutes provide, in summary format, the essential facts of the prosecution for a felony offense; e.g. date of indictment, date(s) of court appearances, and the jurors’ verdict. But perhaps the greatest value of the Minutes is that the date of indictment information can be used to conduct research in the several felony indictment papers series created by the courts and/or District Attorneys. These series are almost always arranged by date of indictment. They document, sometimes in fantastic detail, all aspects of a prosecution from the first appearance in the lower criminal courts, through the final verdict. They often include witness testimony, correspondence and other relevant documentation. 

The Minutes of the Court of General Sessions are an essential resource. Together with related series pertaining to the administration of criminal justice, they provide significant documentation relevant to the history of New York City. Look for future blogs that describe related series, their significance, and access information.  

If Not Perfectly Clear, Postponed One Week: Invitations of the Gilded Age

Invitation to a Lawn Party to Aid the Peabody Home for Aged Women, June 7, 1890. Early Mayors Records, Hugh J. Grant. NYC Municipal Archives.

Viewers of the new HBO series The Gilded Age may speculate about the veracity of the many plot lines drawn from 19th century New York City history. The New York Times recently published a helpful guide for the curious: “The Gilded Age: What Is Fact and What Is Fiction?” (February 22, 2022). In the article, writer Sarah Lyall examined the “back stories of some of the elements that shape the world of the series.” As Ms. Lyall explains, that world is “…the Gilded Age of our imagination, full of grand families, sumptuous furnishings, lavish entertainments, stringent social rules, massive fortunes and sky’s-the-limit ambitions.”

Invitation to the Fourth Annual Excursion of Ivy Lodge No. 65, July 10, 1893. Early Mayors Records, Thomas F. Gilroy. NYC Municipal Archives.

Among the preoccupations of those at the at the apex of the city’s social scene (or those who wished to be) is the world of charitable functions. To be more specific, who was invited to what charity event (and who was not invited) formed the centerpiece of much the conflict between new and old money New York families that is engagingly depicted in the program.

Complimentary Ticket to the Tournament at the New Game of Billiards at Tammany Hall, November 11, 1879. Early Mayors Records, Edward Cooper.  NYC Municipal Archives.

The importance of these social events resonated with city archivists who remembered seeing invitations and other artifacts of these functions in the Early Mayors’ Records. This series includes correspondence and documents from New York City mayoral administrations from 1826 through 1897 and totals 157.5 cubic feet. The collection had originally been assembled by Rebecca Rankin during her 32-year tenure as the Director of the Municipal Library between 1920 and 1952.  This was a core collection in the Municipal Archives when it opened in 1952 and remains one of the most important series documenting nineteenth-century government and policies. The Early Mayors' Records finding guide is now available online.  

Invitation to the First Annual Summer Festival for the Benefit of the Immigrant Girls Home, August 13, 1891. Early Mayors Records, Hugh J. Grant. NYC Municipal Archives.

 Two blogs in 2020, The Transcription Project, Early Mayors’ Collection, and

The Transcription Project, Early Mayors’ Collection II , discussed how archivists, working remotely in 2020, transcribed descriptive materials that enhances access to the intellectual content of the series. Researchers will be able to more easily identify the invitations and other artifacts of the social scene, such as the samples reproduced here.   

Invitation to the Grand Annual Excursion of the Mohawk Association, August 13, 1890. Early Mayors Records, Hugh J. Grant. NYC Municipal Archives.

Another theme, thoroughly exploited for dramatic purposes in the series, are the interactions between political leaders and the business community. The invitations to social, fraternal and other functions found in the mayor’s papers (many marked ‘complimentary’) are just one manifestation of this enduring fact of New York City life during that era.  

Invitation to the Grand Annual Pic-Nic for the Benefit of St. Mary’s Literary Institute, June 7, 1880. Early Mayors Records, Edward Cooper. NYC Municipal Archives.

Invitation to the Family Excursion of the Property Owners Association, July 22, 1897. Early Mayors Records, William L. Strong. NYC Municipal Archives.

Here are a few examples. Today we can appreciate them for their artistry, color, and typography—evocative of the ‘Gilded Age’ in New York City—and as artifacts of a world long-gone. 

Invitation to Grand Annual Ball of the Legion of Justice, March 9, 1891. Early Mayors Records, Hugh J. Grant. NYC Municipal Archives.

Program, Metropolitan Opera, January 24, 1891. Early Mayors Records, Hugh J. Grant.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Program, Metropolitan Opera, January 24, 1891. Early Mayors Records, Hugh J. Grant.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Hat Check for the Tough Club, February 21, 1890. Early Mayors Records, Hugh J. Grant. NYC Municipal Archives.

Knights Temperance Invitation, September 16, 1890. Early Mayors Records, Hugh J. Grant. NYC Municipal Archives.

Searching for Marsha P. Johnson

The motivation for this blog was to celebrate gay rights activist Marsha P. Johnson’s influence on New York City history using materials from the Municipal Archives collections. Marsha P. Johnson was a black transgender sex worker and gay rights activist who rose to fame in the 1960s and 1970s. Considering all the lives she touched and the park and statues recently dedicated to her, it seemed reasonable to assume that her name would appear throughout the Archives. But diligent research in property, prosecution, and park documents failed to result in documentation. However, ripples and echoes of Johnson's actions did appear in the Handschu series, one of the most important collections for researching activism in New York City.

Marsha P. Johnson pickets Bellevue Hospital to protest treatment of street people and gays, ca. 1968. Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library. Digital Collections.

The “Handschu” series is formally known as the New York Police Department Intelligence Division records collection. It contains more than 2,500 files on groups and organizations that operated between the 1940s-1970s. The files were created by the Bureau of Special Services, a unit within the NYPD Intelligence Division that conducted investigations on groups both on the right and left of the political spectrum. The records had been transferred from the New York Police Department to comply with the ruling of Handschu et. al. vs. Special Services Division (1986). 

The first step in researching activism in the Handschu Collection is to identify dates of known protests and the names of relevant individuals and organizations. Marsha P. Johnson was a founding member of both the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR). According to the collection inventory, the GLF and Gay Activist Alliance are each represented with an individual folder in Series IV: Small Organizations files. These folders in turn were found to contain two index cards referencing several folders within the 1969, 1970, and 1971 Communication files series.  

Despite careful searching in the references, Marsha P. Johnson was never listed by name. Sometimes archives have gaps—perhaps due to collection policies or institutional prejudices against marginalized history—but often it is just that the documentation simply doesn't exist. Currently, the Handschu collection is not fully processed (i.e. not fully reviewed or arranged), which means Marsha P. Johnson may still be represented in other parts of the collection. 

Although Johnson’s name did not appear on any document, her work was well evident in the collection. 

Communication file on a demonstration by the Gay Liberation Front at NYU and Bellevue, 1970.  While this document does not include Johnson by name, there is evidence she had been protesting Bellevue Hospital as shown by the above image from the NYPL digital collections. NYPD Intelligence Division Records, NYC Municipal Archives.

STAR members protesting conditions in the Manhattan Mens House of Detention, better known as “the Tombs,” 1971. NYPD Intelligence Division Records, NYC Municipal Archives.

The Handschu collection contains records documenting the demands that gay activists, like Johnson, presented to the city including flyers used to call new activists to demonstrations and protests. The exact routes taken by protesters were recorded by the very organization they were protesting. Even the messages written on the flyers and protest signs are documented by the police who conducted the surveillance.

This is what makes the Handschu collection a wonderful tool for research—lots of little pieces waiting for someone to apply context and build a larger picture.

There’s a complicated relationship between activists such as Marsha P. Johnson and the NYPD, which is why thinking about these materials as tiny bits of a bigger picture is important. Without the dedicated work of independent organizations and archivists, the larger context would be lost. If you are interested in learning about the history of activism in New York City, the Handschu collection could have exactly what you need, as long as you know to look for it.

Sabbath Studies, the Arnold Eagle Interview

In 1980, curator Barbara Millstein conducted interviews and corresponded with several surviving staff members of the New York City unit of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) Federal Writers’ Project (FWP). The knowledge she gained helped prepare interpretive materials for the Department of Records & Information Services’ exhibition “NYC Work and Work: WPA Photographs.” Recent blogs highlighted Ms. Millstein’s interview transcript with  Clifford Sutcliffe and correspondence with Ralph De Sola. Both served as photographers for the FWP. This week, in the final installment of this series, we are reproducing the notes from her interview with photographer Arnold Eagle.   

Sabbath Studies, 1937. Photograph by Arnold Eagle, WPA Federal Writers’ Project collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Arnold Eagle was part of a generation of Hungarian emigrees who were influential in photography including Robert Capa, Cornell Capa, André Kertész, Brassaï, László Moholy-Nagy and Martin Munkácsi. Although not nearly as well known as his contemporaries, Eagle was significant in his own right as a photographer and photo-educator. Eagle was born December 14, 1909, in Stryi, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was later incorporated into Poland before becoming part of Ukraine in 1939.

Eagle emigrated to the United States with his family in 1929. He took up photography soon after and was a member of the Film and Photo League in New York, and then the social justice-oriented Photo League. In 1937, he joined the WPA as a photographer and worked with both the Federal Art Project and the Federal Writers’ Project. He also photographed for the Public Works Administration (PWA), another New Deal program.

Eagle is best known for a book of portraits of the Orthodox Jewish community on the Lower East Side, which was published posthumously by Aperture in 1992 as At Home Only with God. Many images from this project are included in the Archives’ FWP photograph collection.

The following is a summary of Barbara Millstein’s interview conducted with Arnold Eagle on January 31, 1980.

Eagle said that he was on the project for about two years, from 1938 to 1939, but he has some records that indicate that he was on from 1937 [many of the prints from his “Sabbath Studies” project are marked “Jan-Mar 1937”]. After he left the WPA he became head of the photography project at the National Youth Administration.

Eagle said that he was one of the non-relief workers. A Mr. Vincintini, his first supervisor, liked Eagle’s work (a series of photographs on the 3rd Ave. El) and asked him to be part of the project. About 20 or 30 people worked in the photography division. Very few of the photographers did creative work. They mostly photographed paintings, murals, and models. They photographed work for the Index of American Design, and did publicity shots for other WPA agencies, as well as some creative work.

WPA publicity. Photograph by Arnold Eagle, WPA Federal Writers’ Project collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Eagle seems to have done a little of everything, but he most clearly remembers two creative projects. The first was a series on housing, with Dave Robbins. This took about six months. He photographed slums and also some of the same people after they moved into new public housing [Eagle was probably referring to the Williamsburg Houses, which were built as a PWA project. The photographs are uncredited, but the Municipal Archives’ collections include “before” shots from 1935, and “after” shots from 1937, which might be by Eagle and Robbins.]

Eagle has a book of photographs (and also the negatives) titled ‘One Third of a Nation: A Social Document, by Arnold Eagle.’ Some of the stills were used in the film, One Third of a Nation. The photographs were also exhibited at the Federal Art Gallery. He has no recollection of these or other photographs being used in the Federal Writers’ Project books. He thinks that the Citizens Housing Council had something to do with his work, but not sure exactly what. [One Third of a Nation was a still photograph project by Photo League photographers Eagle, Sol Libsohn and David Robbins from 1935 to 1937 documenting New York City slum conditions. It was made into a 1938 play and a 1939 film by the WPA Federal Theatre Project.]

Sabbath Studies, 1937. Photograph by Arnold Eagle, WPA Federal Writers’ Project collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

His second creative project was Sabbath Studies. He has postcards done recently which reproduce these photographs, dated 1937. He had his own equipment (Speed Graphic and Roloflex cameras), but he remembers that the WPA had equipment as well, although he thinks he used his own equipment when he did his creative work. The WPA provided the other supplies (which he says were plentiful) and darkrooms as well, where he would develop his own work. He feels that he “learned a great deal from his work, even his copying work.” In general, he felt that it was a “helpful and creative kind of thing.” He had great pride in his work and enjoyed doing his work. He had a great deal of respect for the whole WPA as representing a great cultural awakening for America. He and others were trying to get away from Salon Photography, which was considered conservative, and a phony painter tradition.

He felt that photography was communication, and he came out of a documentary tradition, although many of the photographers on the WPA felt like news reporters covering assignments. He had earlier been a portrait photographer, but was always interested in documentary photography. 

After the WPA, Eagle took photographs for Fortune and The Saturday Evening Post magazines and worked with Roy Stryker for Standard Oil of New Jersey. He later became a cinematographer and taught filmmaking and photography at the New School for Social Research from 1955 until shortly before his death in 1992.

Sabbath Studies, 1937. Photograph by Arnold Eagle, WPA Federal Writers’ Project collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Sabbath Studies, 1937. Photograph by Arnold Eagle, WPA Federal Writers’ Project collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Sabbath Studies, 1937. Photograph by Arnold Eagle, WPA Federal Writers’ Project collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Sabbath Studies, 1937. Photograph by Arnold Eagle, WPA Federal Writers’ Project collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Sabbath Studies, 1937. Photograph by Arnold Eagle, WPA Federal Writers’ Project collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Sabbath Studies, 1937. Photograph by Arnold Eagle, WPA Federal Writers’ Project collection, NYC Municipal Archives.