A Day Without and With(out) Art — Blog - For The Record — NYC Department of Records & Information Services

A Day Without and With(out) Art

A Day Without and With(out) Art, A Night Without Light

The Municipal Archives Industry City location houses a humble set of 8.5 x 14" manila folders whose contents extend far beyond their confines. The “Day w/o Art” series in the Mayor Dinkins subject files consists of news clippings, mayoral proclamations, notes and letters that speak to the urgency of the AIDS epidemic during the late 80s-early 90s, merging creative and symbolic gestures into direct actions. Beginning at the margins, making way toward the center of larger institutions (both within government and the arts), through the organizing efforts of art workers and activists in NYC, A Day Without Art began in 1989 spearheaded by the collective Visual AIDS who formed just a year earlier.

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