The WPA Federal Writers' Project Book - American Wild Life Illustrated

On July 7, 2021, the New York Times published a guest editorial by Scott Borchert, the author of a history of the Federal Writers’ Project, Republic of Detours: How the New Deal Paid Broke Writers to Rediscover America.”  In his opinion piece, Borchert urged Congress to create a 21st century version of the Federal Writers’ Project. According to Borchert, “ … a new corps of unemployed and underemployed writers who, like their New Deal forebears, would fan out into our towns, cities, and countryside to observe the shape of American life. They’d assemble, at the grass-roots level, a collective, national self-portrait, with an emphasis on the impact of the pandemic.”  Borchert suggested that their work “would then be housed in the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress.”   

American Eagle, color plate, American Wild Life Illustrated. WPA Federal Writers’ Project. Photographer:  Austin Baylitts. NYC Municipal Library.

American Eagle, color plate, American Wild Life Illustrated. WPA Federal Writers’ Project. Photographer: Austin Baylitts. NYC Municipal Library.

Much of the work of the original Federal Writers’ Projects was housed at the Library of Congress, but New York City was an exception. The New York City Unit, one of the most prolific of the Writers’ Projects, deposited their records at the Municipal Library.  (The Library later transferred the collection to the Municipal Archives.)  

In previous blogs we have highlighted the NYC Writers’ Project photograph collection, recipes from the Feeding the City manuscript, a description of the Fulton Fish Market, also from the Feeding the City manuscript, an article about Greenwich Village and the Square, and how the collection is a key resource for documenting the New Deal.

The Municipal Archives Federal Writers’ Project collection is divided into 64 series – one for each of the 62 books, plus administrative records, and the historical record survey. Of their published works, The New York City Guide is their most well-known. It has proved so durable and popular that it was re-published in 1966, 1982 and again in 1992. Most of the NYC Unit books relate to the Guide i.e. they are about some aspect of the City, such as Oddities of New York, Manhattan Mythology, Architecture of New York, Underneath New York, Maritime History of New York, etc. 

But then there are some that are clearly not in that mold:  Birds of the World, Who’s Who in the Zoo, American Wildlife, Natural History of the United States, etc. The administrative record series of the collection is not very extensive, and we may never know why assignments to the New York project writers extended well beyond articles about the City. Perhaps it was their access to world-class libraries, or maybe it was the abundance of writing talent in New York, or maybe it was the enthusiastic support for the project by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, but the result was hundreds of deeply researched, clearly written articles and manuscripts. They are timeless, even reading them now, almost a century later.    

Title page, American Wild Life Illustrate. WPA Federal Writers’ Project, 1940.  NYC Municipal Library.

Title page, American Wild Life Illustrate. WPA Federal Writers’ Project, 1940. NYC Municipal Library.

This week we will take a look at one of the non-New York City books, American Wild Life, Illustrated. The frontispiece states, “Compiled by the Writers’ Program of the Work Projects Administration in the City of New York,” and sponsored by “The Mayor the City of New York the Honorable Fiorello H. LaGuardia.”   

The introduction explains that American Wild Life, Illustrated was the fourth of a series of books written by the zoological division of the New York City WPA Writers’ Project. Its purpose was to offer “. . . in popular style the life histories of American mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes.” 

The Introduction begins with this prescient passage:

 “In the great Western desert of the United States the earth’s thin, green, life-supported mantle has worn through so that the gaunt framework of our planet shows through. Silica, mica, borax, salt and alkali lie about on the floor of the land, which is corrugated like a great washboard and from which the water has long since evaporated. 

Until 1935 this desert, which occupies so many square miles of the West, in the minds of most Americans was little more than the tedious stretch of country between the populous and industrial East and the luxuriant, semitropical fruit-growing land of the Pacific slopes. In that year the desert all at once served dramatic warning that it was on the march. The skies became filled with wind-blown topsoil blotting out the sun even as far east as New York City. Pictures of bony cattle dying of thirst or dust pneumonia found their way into the daily papers.  New pioneers hastily left farmhouses crushed and buried by silt in the submarginal lands of the dust bowl, to find a grudging refuge in California or Oregon. 

Years before that, the buffalo and the mule deer had disappeared from these great plains; now humans were leaving it. The sight of the weary, dustlined faces of the courageous men and women who brought home to the American public the conviction that conservation was not merely a luxury advocated by lovers of birds and beasts, or by faddists, but was in fact one of the most vital and immediate concerns of our Nation as a whole.” 

Although this passage references the devastating impact of the drought that ravaged the Great Plains in the 1930s, it is echoed in today’s headlines about the parched Western United States.    

The book is divided into sections: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes.  Here are excerpts from the ‘birds’ chapters: 

Northern Blue Jay.  WPA Federal Writers’ Project Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Northern Blue Jay.  WPA Federal Writers’ Project Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Blue Jay

“The Handsome crested blue jay has a bad reputation for robbing the eggs of other birds, for attacking small poultry and, occasionally, for eating its own eggs.  Moreover, the blue jays seem constantly to be quarreling with each other and with other birds. Wherever these saucy little fellows may be, their presence can be detected by a querulous screaming and chattering.  

Yet they are not without social graces. They are most attentive to their young, and they take good care of their blind, aged, and infirm.

They have courage tempered by prudence. A flock of blue jays does not hesitate to attack a screech owl or even a hawk, often with success; but if the larger bird seems to be getting the better of them, they dive into a dense thicket where their enemy cannot follow.

In summer the blue jays inhabit the woods of the eastern States, where they live on insects, fruits, and nuts. They store up large quantities for winter use, but by the time cold weather has set in, often forget the hiding place and move closer to human habitation, where food is more plentiful. They have a decided taste for corn and other grains.

Jays are remarkable mimics. They can imitate the cry of a hawk, the buzz of a saw, and event the human voice. One bird caused great confusion on a farm by “sicking” the dog on the cow. 

The blue jay usually nests in an evergreen tree, building a new nest each year from five to fifty feet above the ground. The nest is built of sticks and twigs and lined with bark and feathers. The sticks are never taken from the ground but always from the trees. Four to five pale-green eggs are laid. Jays defending their nest are well able to drive away a cat or a tree squirrel. Two subspecies related to the northern blue jay are the Florida blue jay of the South Atlantic and gulf States and Semple’s blue jay of southern and central Florida.


“The swift flash of red, visible for the fleetest of instants, heralds the presence of the cardinal, inhabitant of the eastern portion oof the United States. This beautifully red, black-hatted bird builds its loose nest among the thickets where it believes its two to four eggs will be safe. The cardinals are a family of exceedingly cheerful, active, and industrious disposition. Their charm and enthusiasm and their melodious call make them welcome visitors wherever they show their pretty heads. A relentless foe of numerous insect pests, they also eat harmful weed seeds. Four subspecies are found in the United States.” 

Screech Owls.  WPA Federal Writers’ Project Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Screech Owls.  WPA Federal Writers’ Project Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Screech Owls

“The cry of the screech owl is not a screech at all but rather a mournful wail. In the South the people call it the shivering owl because of its quavering whistle. This ten-inch bird is said to remain with the same mate for years. Their eggs are frequently laid in out-buildings or in man-made bird boxes. The nest itself is a slipshod affair of sticks, grass, leaves, and rubbish strewn about in a careless manner. 

Screech owls are adept fishermen even in winter when they catch their meals through holes in the ice. Their chief food, however, is insects, according to dr. A. K. Fisher. They also feed on crawfish toads, frogs, and lizards and on the whole are useful to agriculture, doing a great deal of good.” 

The author Borchert concluded his opinion piece about the benefit of a new Federal Writer’s Project: “The project’s documentary work would make an invaluable contribution to the nation’s understanding of itself. Think of the vast treasury that would accrue in the Library of Congress, forming an indelible record of how ordinary Americans live: not only how we’ve weathered the ordeal of the pandemic and mourned the dead, but also how we work and relax, how we think about the burdens and triumphs of our pasts, how we envision the future.”

Perhaps if the Writers’ Project is renewed, New York City would again be the exception – for both the scope of its assignments, and the repository of its work.  The New York City Municipal Archives stands ready to once again host the story of America. 


The Thank You Parades

The Thank You Parades


On July 7, 2021, New York City hosted the ultimate event symbolizing a job well-done—a ticker-tape parade—for hundreds of essential workers, medical personnel, first responders, and others who helped the city get through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ticker-tape parade for Major General William F. Dean, the hero of Taejon and prisoner of war for three years during the Korean War, October 26, 1953.“Get it out of your heads that I’m a hero. I’m not. I’m just a dog-faced solder,” Dean told reporters after being freed from captivity. New Yorkers disagreed and gave him a rousing ovation. Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Ticker-tape parade for Major General William F. Dean, the hero of Taejon and prisoner of war for three years during the Korean War, October 26, 1953.“Get it out of your heads that I’m a hero. I’m not. I’m just a dog-faced solder,” Dean told reporters after being freed from captivity. New Yorkers disagreed and gave him a rousing ovation. Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

In recent decades, New Yorkers have happily celebrated home-town athletic team victories with ticker-tape parades. But looking back at the more than two hundred parades, during the past one hundred and fifty years, we see how the City has paid unique tribute to pioneers of air and space travel, heads of state, politicians, journalists, and even a virtuoso pianist. Although this week’s ‘thank you’ parade was a unique event, the City has previously held ticker tape parades to thank sailors for heroic rescues at sea, firefighters for their service, returning war veterans for their sacrifice, and one exceptional nurse, ‘the Angel of DienBienPhu’ for her courage in battle. 

From 1919 to the present day, the mayor of New York City has decided who receives a ticker-tape parade and the Municipal Archives’ mayoral record collections tell the story of the city’s parade history.

There is no thrill quite like a ticker-tape parade. All along Broadway, from the Battery to City Hall, thousands of spectators crowd the sidewalks or look down from skyscraper windows. They cheer and shout and toss confetti in a shower that becomes a blizzard of shredded paper falling on the motorcade below. Flags, marching bands, and music herald the procession. At City Hall, the mayor presents the honored guest(s) with a proclamation, a medal, a scroll, or a key to the city.   

Press Pass, Captain George Fried reception, February 16, 1926. Mayor Walker Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Press Pass, Captain George Fried reception, February 16, 1926. Mayor Walker Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

The earliest parade recognizing exceptional service during an emergency took place on February 16, 1926. The event honored Captain George Fried and the crew of the steamship President Roosevelt for rescuing sailors aboard the British freighter Antinoe. Fried and his crew battled violent seas in a North Atlantic storm for four days to save all 25 men on the stricken ship.

Letter to Grover Whalen, Chairman, Mayor’s Reception Committee from the Pain’s Fireworks Company, regarding fireworks for the Captain George Fried ceremony. February 9, 1926. Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection. NYC Municipal Archives

Letter to Grover Whalen, Chairman, Mayor’s Reception Committee from the Pain’s Fireworks Company, regarding fireworks for the Captain George Fried ceremony. February 9, 1926. Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection. NYC Municipal Archives

Invitation from Mayor Walker to the Captain George Fried reception, January 28, 1929. Mayor Walker Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Invitation from Mayor Walker to the Captain George Fried reception, January 28, 1929. Mayor Walker Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Almost unbelievably, three years later, in January 1929, Captain Fried was again involved in a dramatic sea rescue. This time, Fried and his crew of the Steamship America rescued 32 officers and seamen from the Italian freighter Florida. The City again thanked Fried and his sailors with a parade. In yet another twist, Harry Manning, the Chief Officer aboard the America enjoyed a second parade, two decades later. But this time it was for a less dramatic occasion. On July 18, 1952, Manning, by now Commodore of the S.S. United States, marched up Broadway with his crew to celebrate a new transatlantic speed record. Despite charges of a government boondoggle, the U.S. subsidized construction of the 2,000-passenger ocean liner on the premise that it could be converted to a troop ship in wartime. The luxurious superliner broke the transatlantic speed record previously held by the Queen Mary since 1938. 

Mayor Impellitteri presents Medal of Honor and scroll for distinguished service to Commodore Harry Manning of the S. S. United States, July 18, 1952. City Hall. Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection.  NYC Municipal Archives. 

Mayor Impellitteri presents Medal of Honor and scroll for distinguished service to Commodore Harry Manning of the S. S. United States, July 18, 1952. City Hall. Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection.  NYC Municipal Archives. 

Replica bow of the S. S. Flying Enterprise installed on the steps of City Hall for Captain Henrik “Kurt” Carlsen ceremony, January 17, 1952.  Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Replica bow of the S. S. Flying Enterprise installed on the steps of City Hall for Captain Henrik “Kurt” Carlsen ceremony, January 17, 1952.  Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Press photographers on the pier await arrival of Captain Henrik “Kurt” Carlsen, Captain of the S.S. Flying Enterprise, January 17, 1952. Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Press photographers on the pier await arrival of Captain Henrik “Kurt” Carlsen, Captain of the S.S. Flying Enterprise, January 17, 1952. Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Captain Fried and Commodore Manning and their respective crews were not the only examples of parades honoring dangerous maritime-related events. On January 16, 1952, Captain Henrik Carlsen received the city’s highest award for his heroic attempt to save his sinking ship, the S. S. Flying Enterprise. Carlsen spent twelve days aboard the doomed vessel to prevent it being claimed for salvage by another ship. He was finally persuaded to abandon ship just forty minutes before it sank off Lizard Point, the southernmost tip of England. The City built a model of the ship’s bow on the steps of City Hall to honor the captain, a native of Elsinore, Denmark, and resident of Woodbridge, New Jersey.  

The City has recognized valor in other types of emergencies. In a ticker-tape parade on July 19, 1954, New Yorkers extended a warm welcome and thanks to Genevieve de Galard-Terraube, a nurse known as ‘the Angel of Dienbienphu’ for staying with wounded French soldiers in Vietnam. On May 7, 1954, after a 56-day siege, 49,000 soldiers of the communist Viet Minh surrounded and captured 13,000 French troops garrisoned at Dienbienphu, a military base in a remote corner of northwest Vietnam. This defeat signaled the end of French power in Indochina. Lt. Genevieve de Galard-Terraube, a nurse and pilot, was the only woman in the garrison. She spent 17 days as a prisoner, refusing to leave until the transfer of French wounded was complete. After her release, she confirmed that she had sent birthday greetings to Viet Minh leader Ho Chi Minh at the request of her captors because she feared refusal would endanger the wounded soldiers. She wrote a second time to thank him for her own liberation. Lt. de Galard­Terraube was the third foreigner officially invited by Congress and the President to visit the U.S. (the others were the Marquis de Lafayette in 1824 and the Hungarian patriot Louis Kossuth in 1851). 

Mayor Impellitteri awards Medals of Honor to 50 United Nations Servicemen wounded in the Korean War, October 29, 1951, City Hall.  Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Mayor Impellitteri awards Medals of Honor to 50 United Nations Servicemen wounded in the Korean War, October 29, 1951, City Hall.  Mayor’s Reception Committee Collection.  NYC Municipal Archives.

The City’s tradition of paying tribute to men and women of the U.S. military for their service and sacrifice extends back to the earliest ticker-tape parades. Post-war parades focused on victorious military leaders. Later parades lauded the rank and file. On June 2, 1950, the City staged a parade for the Fourth Maine Division Association Veterans of Pacific battles in World War II. Mayor William O’Dwyer’s papers include a transcript of his remarks at the City Hall ceremony following the parade:  “Men of the Fourth Marine division – welcome to New York!  We remember you well.  We remember the bloody fighting in which you and your comrades, living and dead, fought your way across the Pacific at Kwajalein Atoll, Saipan, Tinian, and the black, smoking island of Iwo Jima. Those of us who were not with you from Camp Pendleton through the Central Pacific in the key battles against Japan cannot truly share your pride in the Fourth, since we did not share your battles. We cannot know your memories of names like Garapan, Mari Point, Tinian Town, and Suribachi. But we can be proud of you, and proud that you have chosen our City, the home of hundreds of your members, as your place of reunion.  It is our great hope that old friendships will be renewed here, that your Association will be strengthened for future years, and that each of you will join the people of our City in a quiet prayer for the many, many Marines of the Fourth Division who suffered and died so far from the homes for which they fought. I cannot say to you too strongly that every one of the eight million of this greatest City welcomes you warmly and hopes that here you will find the best in all the things that make hospitality and friendship. Our City now belongs to you. God bless you all.”  

Persian Gulf War Veterans ticker-tape parade, June 10, 1991. Mayor David Dinkins Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Persian Gulf War Veterans ticker-tape parade, June 10, 1991. Mayor David Dinkins Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

“It’s time,” was the theme of the 1985 parade for veterans of the Vietnam War, and in June 1991, Persian Gulf War veterans and Korean War Veterans, were thanked with parades, on June 10, and June 25, respectively,   

Program, Firemen’s Day ceremony at City Hall, April 15, 1955.  Mayor Wagner Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Program, Firemen’s Day ceremony at City Hall, April 15, 1955. Mayor Wagner Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

New York City workers have also had their days along the canyon of heroes. City firefighters have been honored with parades celebrating their service on multiple occasions. During the first, on March 31, 1954, 4,000 New York City firemen, marched up Broadway in observance of Firemen’s Day. Antique apparatus in the parade included an 1820 pump and a hose reel from 1810 pulled by firemen dressed in period uniforms. One year later, on April 15, 1955, 3,000 City firemen again celebrated the annual Firemen’s Day in a ticker-tape parade, and on August 30, 1956, 3,000 volunteer firefighters attending the 84th annual convention of New York State Firemen’s Association got a parade. The volunteer firemen were known as “Vamps,” after, the brightly colored socks (vamps) they had worn in bucket-passing days. It would be almost a decade before firefighters were again honored with a parade. On June 1,1965, 4,500 firemen celebrated the 100th anniversary of New York City’s first professional fire department in a ticker-tape parade. In 1865, the independent cities of Manhattan and Brooklyn supported 700 firefighters.  By 1965, the Department had 13,186 men (still no women) and 282 firehouses in the five boroughs.   

The 150th Anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone for City Hall included a “Pageant” at City Hall, May 26, 1953. Mayor Vincent Impellitteri Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

The 150th Anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone for City Hall included a “Pageant” at City Hall, May 26, 1953. Mayor Vincent Impellitteri Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.

Finally, the history of ticker-tape parades includes another unique event including city workers. On May 26, 1953, New York City Departments and units of the Armed services marched to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone for City Hall. “Jenney,” a small donkey borrowed from the Bronx Zoo, hauled a replica of the cornerstone into place. Her performance was reported as “reluctant but adequate.” 

We look forward to the addition of another marker on Broadway commemorating the ticker-tape parade of July 7, 2021, thanking the men and women who selflessly helped their fellow New Yorkers in a time of great peril. 

Harbor Festival '85

The Municipal Archives picture collections – the mayoral series in particular – are an inexhaustible source for documenting events in the city’s history. And of those, Mayor Koch’s collection rarely disappoints. The camera loved Koch (or maybe it was the other way around).  A recent search for a picture to show how the city celebrated Independence Day during his administration brought up the file for Harbor Festival ’85.  The folder included pictures taken by the Mayor’s photographer Holland (Holly) Wemple, a briefing sheet about the event for the Mayor, and a transcript of his speech at the opening ceremony.

Mayor Edward Koch in the Cavalcade along lower Broadway, with “Uncle Sam” and “Lady Liberty,” July 4, 1985. Mayor Edward Koch Photograph Collection.  Photographer:  Holland Wemple.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Mayor Edward Koch in the Cavalcade along lower Broadway, with “Uncle Sam” and “Lady Liberty,” July 4, 1985. Mayor Edward Koch Photograph Collection. Photographer: Holland Wemple. NYC Municipal Archives.

Sponsored by The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the Independence Day Harbor Festival celebration dated back to the Bicentennial in 1976. “Nation of Nations” was the theme for 1985, and Mayor Koch was invited to ride as Grand Marshal in a “Cavalcade” of 100 antique and classic cars. Starting at the World Trade Center and ending at the Battery, the Cavalcade was the climax of a race that began in southern California one week earlier. Before being escorted to the lead car, a 1933 Chrysler, by “Uncle Sam,” and “The Statue of Liberty,” (on stilts), Mayor Koch made opening remarks: 

Hi, Everyone,

I’m happy to celebrate with you this afternoon the historic and contemporary importance of New York harbor, and delighted to serve as Grand Marshal of the Harbor Festival ’85 Cavalcade.

Mayor Edward Koch in the Cavalcade along lower Broadway near Trinity Church, July 4, 1985. Mayor Edward Koch Photograph Collection.  Photographer:  Holland Wemple.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Mayor Edward Koch in the Cavalcade along lower Broadway near Trinity Church, July 4, 1985. Mayor Edward Koch Photograph Collection. Photographer: Holland Wemple. NYC Municipal Archives.

As a municipality composed of one peninsula, two islands, and part of a third, New York is a city whose waterways first put us on the map and soon made us the world’s busiest port city. Three and a half centuries into New York City’s history, our waterways are still shaping our character. The passing years have increased their immense commercial and recreational value to us.

Our harbor created our historic role as our nation’s gateway city, embracing the immigrants who made us a “Nation of Nations,” welcoming them to American freedom and opportunity. This function of our harbor helped make New York the dynamic city it is, because so many immigrants and their descendants stayed here to build our city, their rich diversity adding strength to New York’s cultural, intellectual, and economic vitality.

Mayor Edward Koch in the Cavalcade along lower Broadway, July 4, 1985. Mayor Edward Koch Photograph Collection.  Photographer:  Holland Wemple.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Mayor Edward Koch in the Cavalcade along lower Broadway, July 4, 1985. Mayor Edward Koch Photograph Collection. Photographer: Holland Wemple. NYC Municipal Archives.

Tens of thousands of New Yorkers benefit directly from the multitude of activities on our busy waterways and waterfront, and all of us depend on them indirectly every day.  But New York City’s bicentennial celebration and Op-Sail focused public attention, as no events had in decades, on these invaluable resources that had too long been taken for granted.

Watching the renewed pride in our harbor grow since then has been gratifying, and that intensified interest has contributed to our city’s new prosperity. Harbor Festival has added to the momentum begun in ‘76, and Harbor Festival ’85 promises to surpass even last year’s in its scope and variety.

Under the guidance of Alan Sagner and Peter Goldmark, the Port Authority has played an outstanding role in New York harbor’s resurgence, and I’d like to express the City’s gratitude to them, to Robert Johnson and Newsday for sponsoring today’s exciting activities, and to everyone responsible for Harbor Festival ’85.

Have a great Fourth of July, everyone!

Thank you.  

Mayor Edward Koch greets the crowd during the Cavalcade along lower Broadway, July 4, 1985. Mayor Edward Koch Photograph Collection.  Photographer:  Holland Wemple.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Mayor Edward Koch greets the crowd during the Cavalcade along lower Broadway, July 4, 1985. Mayor Edward Koch Photograph Collection. Photographer: Holland Wemple. NYC Municipal Archives.

In the decades since Mayor Koch celebrated the diversity of New York City and the importance of its harbor, new immigrants have continued to arrive, now making up almost 40% of the population. Many miles of the revitalized waterfront are now lined with parks, bikeways, and recreational facilities.

Echoing Mayor Koch, “Have a great Fourth of July, everyone!

Beyond the Basics

This is the second in our series of ‘how to conduct research’ blogs in On the Record. It provides essential information about several lesser-known resources at the Municipal Archives that are relevant to the family historian or genealogist. This blog is adapted from a program “beyond the basics” Marcia Kirk recently recorded for a genealogy conference.

Most of the records discussed in this guide are available on microfilm at the Municipal Archives; a few have been digitized and are noted as such. The digitized records are available in our online gallery.

Coroners’ Records

Coroners’ Inquest Records (also known as coroner’s reports) were created when a death was deemed suspicious. For example, if someone fell from a building, a Coroners’ inquest would be noted on the death certificate. The coroner record usually supplies more detailed information about the circumstances of a death than the death certificate filed by the Health Department.

They are available for all five boroughs from 1898 to 1917. For the period prior to consolidation in 1898, there are coroner records for Manhattan from 1853 to 1897; Kings County, from 1863 to 1896; and Queens from 1884 to 1897.

The ledger format coroner records for Manhattan are only available on microfilm. The Municipal Archives did not produce the microfilm and does not have the original ledgers. Some of the microfilm is a little difficult to read.

Coroner’s Inquest, January 13, 1909. The accidental death of a 36-year-old man, born in Ireland and struck by a rock “following blast” on December 30, 1908. Coroner’s Record Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Coroner’s Inquest, January 13, 1909. The accidental death of a 36-year-old man, born in Ireland and struck by a rock “following blast” on December 30, 1908. Coroner’s Record Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

The Coroners’ Office was abolished by New York State law in 1915 and replaced with the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), effective January 1, 1918. This office still exists. The OCME records include three series: indexes, ‘Accession’ docket books, and documents. The records date from 1918 to 1950 and are extant for all five Boroughs.

The first step in locating an OCME record is to search the microfilmed index to the Accession dockets. The index provides the case file number. In step two, using the case file number, the entry can be researched in the Accession docket book, also on microfilm. The Accession docket lists the name of the deceased, date of death, place of last residence, age, where the body was found and/or place of death, who reported the death, and the cause of death.

The Municipal Archives collection also includes the documents filed by the OCME pertaining to the death. These include police reports and autopsies. Copies of the documents can be requested (contact for ordering and fee information).

OCME ‘Accession’ Docket, Manhattan, 1940. NYC Municipal Archives.

OCME ‘Accession’ Docket, Manhattan, 1940. NYC Municipal Archives.

Bodies in Transit Registers

The Bodies in Transit Registers were created by the New York City (Manhattan) Department of Health. They date from 1859 to 1894.

This collection is digitized and available in the online gallery. Each body or corpse that came into, out of, or through Manhattan was recorded in the register. The entry includes the date the body transited through the city, the name of the deceased, age, cause of death, nativity, the name of the person accompanying the body, and the place of burial. For more information on this collection see our blog.

The registers list the body of John Brown on route to his burial in upstate New York, and Abraham Lincoln whose body lay in state at City Hall after his assassination. There are also many Civil War soldiers from both the north and the south listed in the registers. They had been killed in battle, or died from disease, and their bodies passed through Manhattan for burial in cemeteries outside the city.

Bodies in Transit Register, 1865. NYC Municipal Archives.

Bodies in Transit Register, 1865. NYC Municipal Archives.

Bodies in Transit Register, 1865, see entry - Lincoln, Abraham, age: 56 years 2 months, birthplace:  Kentucky; place of death: Washington, D.C., cause of death: pistol shot. NYC Municipal Archives.

Bodies in Transit Register, 1865, see entry - Lincoln, Abraham, age: 56 years 2 months, birthplace: Kentucky; place of death: Washington, D.C., cause of death: pistol shot. NYC Municipal Archives.

Estate Inventories

The Municipal Archives maintains a collection of Estate Inventories that provide lists of all the possessions of the deceased as tallied by a court-appointed appraiser. The collection comprises two series: 1784 to 1836, and 1830 to 1859, and include persons who were residents of Manhattan only (New York County). These microfilmed records are indexed, searchable by the name of the decedent or the appraiser. Researchers should also consult with the New York County Surrogates’ Court, and the New York County Clerk’s Division of Old Records for other series pertaining to estates. See the table below for more information.

Estate Inventory, NYC Municipal Archives.

Estate Inventory, NYC Municipal Archives.

Letters of Guardianship

Another series that originated in the New York County Surrogate’s Court are the Letters of Guardianship. They date from 1811 to 1913. These are also Manhattan records and only available on microfilm. Each volume contains an index in the front of the volume.

Guardianship record, 1811. NYC Municipal Archives.

Guardianship record, 1811. NYC Municipal Archives.

 Almshouse Ledger Collection

History of Inmates, 1919. NYC Municipal Archives.

History of Inmates, 1919. NYC Municipal Archives.

The Almshouse Ledgers are another fascinating collection which span 1758 to 1952. There are more than 400 volumes pertaining to the many city-run institutions on Blackwell Island, now named Roosevelt Island. They include the Almshouses, Lunatic Asylum, Workhouses, the Penitentiary, and various hospitals.

A sampling of the volumes from several different series have been digitized and are available in the online gallery. There is also a detailed finding aid for this collection with links to the digitized volumes. The finding aid explains the different series of records and the types of records available.  

Inmate History, 1895.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Inmate History, 1895. NYC Municipal Archives.

The “Record of Inmates” lists residents of the Almshouse institution, not persons who were imprisoned. One of the important things about the Record of Inmates, especially for those of Irish or German ancestry, is that it includes the county in which the person was born as well as the town/city. The series provides a wealth of information including the name, date of admission to the institution, when discharged, nativity, naturalization information, occupation, and often the name and address of a family member. It also provides the “Habits of the father,” e.g. “temp” (temperate) meaning the person did not drink. (Alcoholism was a big problem.) The record will also note if the person was self-supporting, or in the poorhouse. If they were in the poorhouse, the question was asked “for how long?”

New York County Jury Census

The Jury censuses were taken in 1816, 1819, and 1821. There is one volume for each Ward of the city; some volumes are missing. The purpose of the census was to determine eligibility to serve on a jury. The jury censuses have been digitized and are available online. There is also a finding aid for this collection.

The census records are arranged by ward and then by street. If the street address is not known, city directories can be consulted (available on the New York Public Library’s digital collections website).

The census includes both male and female heads of household. The census recorded the name of the head of the household, the house number and street, occupation, age, reason for exemption from serving on a jury (old age, etc.), and the total number of jurors in the particular household. The census designates white inhabitants, aliens, coloured (sic) inhabitants (not slaves), and Slaves and provides the total number of inhabitants in the household. (Slavery was not ended in New York State until 1827.)

1816 Jury Census, 1st Ward. Broadway numbers 1-58 containing 274 Inhabitants. NYC Municipal Archives.

1816 Jury Census, 1st Ward. Broadway numbers 1-58 containing 274 Inhabitants. NYC Municipal Archives.

Police Census

Most family historians are probably aware that the 1890 U.S. Federal census was almost completely destroyed in a fire. Thankfully, New York City took its own census that year. City officials believed the federal census undercounted the population. The Police census is often used as a substitute for the 1890 Federal Census.

The street address of the person or family must be known to search the census at the Archives; it is not indexed by name. The census lists everyone in the household, their gender, and age. There is a street address index available at the Archives that provides the census volume number.

1890 Census.  NYC Municipal Archives.

1890 Census. NYC Municipal Archives.

Property Cards

One of the Archives’ more popular collections is the Property Cards. With federal funding from the Works Progress Administration, the cards were created by the Department of Finance to modernize the tax assessment process. The cards date from 1939 and were continuously updated through 1990. All five boroughs are included.

There is a small photographic print of the property taken in the 1940s attached to the card. The assessed valuation, conveyances, and mortgages are also recorded. A diagram of the building and the plot, and other information about the building including the zoning, classification, and the block and lot number can also be found.

The creators of these records probably did not anticipate that people would be using them for genealogical research. Some people even give them as gifts. The cards have not been microfilmed or digitized; copies can be requested (contact for ordering and fee information).   

Property Card, 7 Middagh Street, Brooklyn.  NYC Municipal Archives.

Property Card, 7 Middagh Street, Brooklyn. NYC Municipal Archives.

Tax Photos

The photographs that appear on the property card also exist as a separate collection known as the “tax photographs.”  The photographs have been digitized and can be viewed on the online gallery. There are two series of photographs: 1939 to 1941 (these images were affixed to the property card), and a second series dating from the mid-1980s.

The 1940s collection includes every building in all five boroughs except for empty lots and tax-exempt properties. The photos from the 1980s include empty lots and tax-exempt properties. There is a Guide to the 1940s Tax Department photographs available that provides additional information.  

1940 ‘Tax’ Photograph, Queens Block 3176, Lot 45.  NYC Municipal Archives.

1940 ‘Tax’ Photograph, Queens Block 3176, Lot 45. NYC Municipal Archives.

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HIV - AIDS Drug Development

Since the beginning of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, over 700,000 people have died from the illness in the United States and over 1.2 million people live with it in the country today. In the 1980s, the average life expectancy for HIV positive people was only one year, the diagnosis an almost certain death sentence. Today, the life expectancy (and quality of life) for those who are HIV positive is only slightly less than those without HIV. This is due to relentless activism and breakthrough medical advances that began to crystallize in the mid- 1990s. In a 1991 episode of WNYC-TV's New York Hotline hosted by Brian Lehrer, a panel of experts discussed the hopes and challenges of developing effective HIV/AIDS treatments and the ethics of experimental drug trials for a terminal illness while taking calls from the New Yorkers., one of the cities hit hardest by the epidemic.

What would eventually be called AIDS was first recognized on June 5th, 1981, in both Los Angeles and New York City as acute immune deficiencies in otherwise healthy young gay men. By 1991, the HIV/AIDS epidemic was at its peak and had become a serious cause for concern for many Americans. Questions about how the virus was spread, who was most at risk, the privacy of those infected (or tested), and how long it would take to find a cure or vaccine were part of the national dialogue. This was a drastic (dramatic?) change from the early 1980s when many Americans were deeply misinformed about the illness, convinced that it could only infect gay men. These misconceptions began to change as a number of public figures disclosed their HIV/AIDS diagnoses, such as actor Rock Hudson in 1984, and athlete Magic Johnson in 1991.

WNYC-TV Collection, New York Hotline: AIDS Treatments Episode #215. Progress on the development of AIDS treatments was agonizingly slow or surprisingly rapid, depending on who you talked to.

HIV was determined to be the cause of AIDS in 1984, with scientists at the National Cancer Institute building on research from the Paris based Pasteur Institute. Proper testis for the virus were not developed until 1985 and it took further time to refine and reduce the number of false positives. With adequate testing, research on treatments could begin. In 1987, six years after the start of the epidemic. the FDA approved AZT, the first drug to treat HIV. For many people, AZT would prove ineffective after a short period of time. This included Aldyn McKean, one of the founders of ACT UP, an HIV/AIDS advocacy group. McKean survived with HIV for over 10 years, allowing him to consistently agitate for faster research and more access to clinical trials.

President Ronald Reagan deliberately ignored  the existence of the epidemic until 1987 which furthered the belief of advocates and  those infected that the federal government did not take the threat that HIV/AIDS posed to American lives seriously, even as infection rates climbed year after year. Conversely, Reagan's Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop began an awareness campaign in 1986, including the distribution of over 100 million pamphlets titled “Understanding AIDS.” This pamphlet controversially advised people to wear condoms to prevent contracting the virus, much to the chagrin of the Reagan administration that had eschewed condoms and sex education in favor of an abstinence-based approach.

WNYC-TV Collection, New York Hotline: AIDS Treatments Episode #215. While medical experts and researchers urged a cautious approach, many with HIV/AIDS demanded access to experimental drugs to treat their condition.

But the demands of those who already had HIV for access to clinical trials of experimental new treatments grew louder.

 Although the medical community saw the rate of progress as a good sign, McKean and other advocates were dismayed at the lack of access to experimental drugs for people who had already been infected. In this episode of New York Hotline, McKean suggested that people with AIDS be allowed to make the decision themselves as to whether they wanted to take a drug that had already passed phase 1 clinical trials indicating it was safe for humans, but had not passed phase 2 or 3 trials proving its effectiveness. He also dismissed the idea that opening such trials early would reduce the veracity of the results, instead trying to center the debate around the patient and not the medical research protocols.

To be sure, many people were enrolled in phase 2 and 3 trials for drugs like AZT that ultimately led to the effective maintenance drugs used today. However, the people with access to those trials were primarily white men. Although the stereotype still persists that HIV/AIDS primarily impacts gay men, by 1991 AIDS became the number one killer of women aged 25-44 and the epidemic disproportionately affected people of color, particularly African Americans. As of 2018, African Americans make up 42% of new HIV infections in the United States. This lack of access to clinical trials, and the outsized impact of the epidemic on underserved communities is still being felt today.

WNYC-TV Collection, New York Hotline: AIDS Treatments Episode #215. The HIV/AIDS epidemic effects everyone, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or age, but it has disproportionately affected African Americans.

In 1995, researchers created the first widely effective treatment for HIV/AIDS, called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), more colloquially known as the AIDS cocktail. This treatment was a combination of AZT and other similar drugs that prevent the virus from replicating or being transmitted to others. At first, the treatment was a complicated regimen of many different pills taken at different times of the day. Over time, scientists were able to refine it into a single pill taken daily, drastically reducing the toll the virus took on patients and saving millions of lives. While a cure still has not been invented over 40 years after the virus was first recognized, recent medical breakthroughs like mRNA vaccines have given doctors- and patients- hope for the first time in a long time.

The WNYC-TV collection at the Municipal Archives is composed of thousands of films and video tapes created from the 1940s to the 1990s. New York Hotline and other WNYC-TV programs highlighted important issues of the day such as the HIV/AIDS crisis, Nelson Mandela’s visit to the City and local elections. Over the past three years, the Archives has digitized more than 1,000 WNYC-TV programs and made them available to view online as part of an ongoing effort to preserve this unparalleled collection.

This Day in History

Reception Banquet Program for Charles Lindbergh, June 14, 1927. Mayor James J. Walker Collection,  NYC Municipal Archives.

Reception Banquet Program for Charles Lindbergh, June 14, 1927. Mayor James J. Walker Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Interior, Reception Banquet Program for Charles Lindbergh, June 14, 1927.  Mayor James J. Walker Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Interior, Reception Banquet Program for Charles Lindbergh, June 14, 1927. Mayor James J. Walker Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

We are all familiar with “This Day in History” reminders. They usually commemorate a notable event or person. On June 11, 1927, for example, President Calvin Coolidge awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross medal to American aviator Charles Lindbergh for his record-breaking non-stop flight across the Atlantic. Two days later, on June 13, New York City celebrated Lindbergh’s achievement with a ticker-tape parade, and on the 14th, the Mayor feted him at gala banquet. These occasions are well documented. But what documentation is there for the non-famous events of an ordinary June 11 in New York City?

This is where the photograph collections of the Municipal Archives demonstrate their exceptional value. Most of the pictures were created by agency staff photographers performing their assigned tasks such as documenting a road construction project, or bridge repair. Their jobs took them to all corners of the city, on a daily basis. And thanks to accurate date and place identification of their images, we can now travel back in time to see what was going on in the city on any given day. And it is probably accurate to say that what we now find fascinating or interesting in these pictures—the signs on the buildings, the cars in the street—often has nothing to do with the intended subject of the picture.   

Let’s take a look at what was going on in New York City on this date, June 11, through the eyes of the city’s dedicated photographers.

Brooklyn Bridge trolley terminal mezzanine, June 11, 1907. Photographer: Eugene de Salignac. Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.Eugene de Salignac was staff photographer of the Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures from 1906 to 1934. On June 11, 1907, he was assigned to photograph the Manhattan terminal of the trolley line that ran across the Brooklyn Bridge. His photograph captured City Hall, the Tweed Courthouse, and a tiny slice of the old Hall of Records on the right.

Brooklyn Bridge trolley terminal mezzanine, June 11, 1907. Photographer: Eugene de Salignac. Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Eugene de Salignac was staff photographer of the Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures from 1906 to 1934. On June 11, 1907, he was assigned to photograph the Manhattan terminal of the trolley line that ran across the Brooklyn Bridge. His photograph captured City Hall, the Tweed Courthouse, and a tiny slice of the old Hall of Records on the right.

Williamsburg Bridge view of auto truck side, June 11, 1921. Photographer: Eugene de Salignac. Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.On June 11, 1921, Department of Bridges staff photographer Eugene de Salignac took a picture of the agency’s new “Auto truck” near the Williamsburg Bridge.

Williamsburg Bridge view of auto truck side, June 11, 1921. Photographer: Eugene de Salignac. Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

On June 11, 1921, Department of Bridges staff photographer Eugene de Salignac took a picture of the agency’s new “Auto truck” near the Williamsburg Bridge.

Vernon Avenue, Queens, June 23, 1905. Photographer: Joseph Palmer. Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.Although this photograph dates about two weeks after June 11, it is an excellent example of how the city photographers used serendipitous moments to enhance their images.

Vernon Avenue, Queens, June 23, 1905. Photographer: Joseph Palmer. Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Although this photograph dates about two weeks after June 11, it is an excellent example of how the city photographers used serendipitous moments to enhance their images.

Laying paving stones on the Queensboro Bridge, June 11, 1935. Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Laying paving stones on the Queensboro Bridge, June 11, 1935. Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Automobile accident on the Queensboro Bridge, June 11, 1920. Photographer: Eugene de Salignac.  Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Automobile accident on the Queensboro Bridge, June 11, 1920. Photographer: Eugene de Salignac.  Department of Bridges/Plant & Structures Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

Fourth Avenue, looking south from East 13th Street, Manhattan, June 11, 1926. Photographer: Savastano Studio. Borough President Manhattan Photograph Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.More than a century ago, car traffic was already a feature of city life.

Fourth Avenue, looking south from East 13th Street, Manhattan, June 11, 1926. Photographer: Savastano Studio. Borough President Manhattan Photograph Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

More than a century ago, car traffic was already a feature of city life.

Riders on the Central Park Bridle Path, June 1937. WPA Federal Writers’ Project Photograph Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.New Yorkers took advantage of the pleasant June weather in 1937.

Riders on the Central Park Bridle Path, June 1937. WPA Federal Writers’ Project Photograph Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

New Yorkers took advantage of the pleasant June weather in 1937.

NYPD FDNY Intramural baseball game, Polo Grounds, June 11, 1938. New York Police Department Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives.  The New York Times reported that more than 25,000 spectators at the Polo Grounds watched the New York Fire Department team defeat the Police Department in their annual intramural game. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia threw out the first ball from the grandstand and later presented the Mayor’s Trophy to the victorious Fire Department team.

NYPD FDNY Intramural baseball game, Polo Grounds, June 11, 1938. New York Police Department Photograph Collection. NYC Municipal Archives. 

The New York Times reported that more than 25,000 spectators at the Polo Grounds watched the New York Fire Department team defeat the Police Department in their annual intramural game. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia threw out the first ball from the grandstand and later presented the Mayor’s Trophy to the victorious Fire Department team.

Ribbon-Cutting, Heliport #2, June 11, 1953. Department of Marine and Aviation Photograph Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.On June 11, 1953, Department of Marine and Aviation Commissioner Edward F. Cavanagh, Jr. (center), dedicated Heliport #2, on Pier A in the Hudson River near the Battery.

Ribbon-Cutting, Heliport #2, June 11, 1953. Department of Marine and Aviation Photograph Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

On June 11, 1953, Department of Marine and Aviation Commissioner Edward F. Cavanagh, Jr. (center), dedicated Heliport #2, on Pier A in the Hudson River near the Battery.

Police helicopter landing at Heliport #2, June 11, 1953. Department of Marine and Aviation Collection, NYC Municipal Archives. An NYPD helicopter lands at the new Heliport #2 on Pier A during the dedication ceremony.

Police helicopter landing at Heliport #2, June 11, 1953. Department of Marine and Aviation Collection, NYC Municipal Archives.

An NYPD helicopter lands at the new Heliport #2 on Pier A during the dedication ceremony.